Chapter 11-12

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Chapter 11

At this time, Shen Xianyu's mind was full of her own male god. When she saw him today, she found that he was more charming and charming. Therefore, she wanted to lie down and have a careful aftertaste, and then slept on a warm spring day. Maybe something else could happen in the dream with the male god.

Because of this, she doesn't want anyone to pay attention to it now. She doesn't want trivial things to occupy her mind and squeeze the space to imagine the male god.

It's just that the current situation can't tolerate her.

As soon as Mrs. Shen heard her name, she turned pale with anger. She really loved Shen Tingsong, otherwise she would not be willing to be a concubine under the same family background. Even if she is now, she will still be jealous of the two women who once occupied Shen Tingsong's wife, and naturally she can't really like it. The child born to Fang.

She is very patient for Shen Tingsong.

Who would have thought of such a result?

What does it mean to call her "send-in-girl"?

Look at her attitude again. Have you paid attention to her?

"Get up and stand up!" Mrs. Shen's voice is very harsh!

"What are you doing? It's so noisy!"

Shen Xianyu was not good-looking. He opened her eyes and looked at Mrs. Shen and gave a final warning, "I'm in a good mood today. I don't want to care about you. Get out where I get out."

This is like poking a hornet's nest.

Mrs. Shen trembled with anger, "This, this, this, this, this, it's lawless!"

The Mammy maid beside her was afraid that she would be angry, so she hurriedly beat her chest and patted her back. After a long time, she calmed down. Looking back at the culprit, she actually looked like "don't disturb when you fall asleep". Not to mention the master, they were also very angry.

"Shen Xianyu!"

Shen Xianyu, who wanted to see the male god in her dream, was interrupted again and said angrily, "If you fart!"

"You, okay, that's great!"

At this time, Mrs. Shen seemed to have finally remembered the business and made up her mind. This time, she could not easily let go of the little girl in front of her. "Let me ask you, did you pick the emerald orchid in the yard?"

Shen Xianyu doesn't like flowers. In her eyes, she only looks good and not. Hearing her asking, she curled her mouth, "Isn't it just a flower?" Daya, go and pick a rape flower next to compensate her. If one is not enough, pick more than two more. I'm busy. Don't bother me."

After saying that, close your eyes and sleep directly.

Daya really ran to pick two rape flowers, "Madam, here you are."

Looking at the rape flowers in front of her and thinking about her emerald orchid, Mrs. Shen couldn't help but help it again, "Come on, tie me up the second girl and the slave in this yard and teach me a good lesson."

As an undercover agent sent by Mrs. Shen, the moon shy flower has long been hiding.

The other maids of the weed yard looked at Shen Xianyu in unison. The next moment, they hid behind her lying chair.

Not to mention that Mrs. Shen opened her eyes to those slaves. What kind of slaves are these? She actually hid behind the master when something happened.

The maids nodded in their hearts. That's right. The master has already said that don't be afraid. Don't panic. She is in charge of the big things, and her master has Lord Shen to rely on, and the emperor is Lord Shen's backer. In other words, the emperor is their backer. Therefore, don't do with them. Just stand out and lie down.

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