Chapter 133-134

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Chapter 133

Shen Xianlan likes her current job very much. She goes out early and returns late every day and is busy selecting works. In just a few days, she is no longer the former Miss Jiao who gasped for two steps and stretches her stomach after two bites.

Busy is really busy.

Especially when she has to take time to study every night, she is so tired that she goes to bed in the bed for a long time.

Even if I heard that Daya said that Shen Xianyu was looking for her, she still finished tasting the works in her hand before she quickly daring to her home.

"Second sister!"

The girl who ran in was wearing a pink skirt, and the butterfly hairpin on her bun danced with her running. Her pink face seemed to be able to pinch out the water. The eyes of Danfeng, who inherited their own father, were full of love for life, which was very youthful and energetic.

"Come on!"

Shen Xianyu looked at her and felt much younger. "Sitt down and drink some water."


Shen Xianlan nodded, sat down in the chair next to her, took a small sip of water, and then sat down obediently, smiled at her guiding lights, and waited for her to tell her business.

"Come to the palace with me later,"

Shen Xianyu didn't beat around the bush. He thought for a moment and said, "You can give full play to your best, you know?"


Shen Xianlan nodded hard.

After a while, the two sisters entered the palace in a carriage. Shen Xianlan was a little excited. She had never seen the emperor before, but every time there were many people. This time, she was different. She was not stupid. She knew what the second sister meant. Well, she must seize this opportunity and perform well. However, "Second sister, won't it be good for me to follow you?"

Thinking of such an affectionate emperor, she hasn't seen the second sister for so long. She finally found a reason to see the second sister at first sight. She always felt hated when she followed her.

"Then you get out of the car?" Shen Xianyu looked at her squintly.

Shen Xianlan shook her head hard, and then followed the tone of her second sister before and said, "There's nothing wrong with you. I have to look at you for my second brother-in-law."

Shen Xianyu directly shook her with white eyes.

Soon the two sisters appeared in front of the emperor.

The emperor still had a trace of doubt when he saw Shen Xianlan.

What a stupid look!

Hearing Shen Xianyu's voice, the emperor was very aggrieved. Why was he stupid?

Without letting the sister salute, the emperor said directly, "Shen Er, are you here?"

Shen Xianlan's eyes lit.

Sure enough, the emperor is absolutely obsessed with the second sister!

Her Majesty can't see such a living person as her.

"Well," Shen Xian nodded, "If you have something to say, I'll go back if it's okay."

The poor prince of Xiliang is no longer worried. Besides, if it is in the court, if there is something in court, his father and other courtiers are there, even the dog emperor can be carried by them.

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