Chapter 183-185

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Chapter 183

As the wife of the Duke took a horse, she thought about the remaining three sons. Her eyes flashed with a fiery light. She didn't believe it. None of the five sons was considerate and obedient.


Absolutely uncompromising this time.

The daughter-in-law of these three sons must have wide eyes and take a good look.

Thinking of my eldest daughter-in-law!


It doesn't matter if you come from a background. You can't come to make trouble like your eldest daughter-in-law.

I have been thinking for a long time.

That night, she worked hard to make three dishes and one soup. Although the taste was not as good as the chef at home, after this period of hard work, it could be imported. Yun Zhenri and his three sons said nothing and ate a complete dish obediently, which made the father-in-law's mood. It's better, and I'm more confident about what I'm going to say next.

"Shaoyang." The father-in-law shouted very gently.

"Mother, you say."

"You see, you are not young. Your eldest brother and second brother already have sons. My mother thought that your marriage should also be taken into account," she said this, with a spring breeze-like smile on her face.

Yun Shaoyang immediately looked at his own father with a look for help, which could not be more obvious.

Can you not ask his mother to choose his daughter-in-law?

The sister-in-law was chosen by my mother, right?

However, thinking that he almost died last time, his lovely niece almost died. Usually he doesn't feel it, but now his mother feels creepy when she mentions his marriage.

"Madam, don't worry!" Yun Zhenri looked at his son's poor appearance and said with a smile, "They, I have other plans!"

"What do you mean by that?"

The father-in-law's face suddenly turned white.

The newspaper was a little stimulating to her. She seemed to see the pitiful scene that no one around her alone could stand it after she was old and sick.

The three brothers of the Yun family, the youngest Yun Shaokang, may be young or rebellious. In short, he is very annoyed by his mother now. If there is something wrong, he turns his face and cut, as if she has a face, which makes everyone uncomfortable at home. He doesn't want to hold himself, so he prolongs his year. A light face, snorted coldly.

Sure enough, it immediately attracted the attention of the other four people.

The Yun family stared at him, look like "What's wrong with you?"

The father-in-law's heart hurt, and then it was cold, "Shaokang, what's your attitude?"

"What attitude! What attitude do you want me to do!"

Yun Shaokang stood up directly and shouted at the father-in-law and wife, "What on earth do you want?" Yes, we were born to you. You can beat and scold you like anything? Come on! Just beat me to death!"

"You, you, you."

The father-in-law was really sad this time. She felt so sad that she couldn't breathe. Her whole body was crumbling. She pointed to her youngest son and couldn't say anything.

"I, I, I, what do I do! Come on! Don't pretend. It's like this every time something happens. The imperial doctor has said for a long time. You are in good health. Yun Shaokang expressed all the boredom in his heart on his face, "You have to be angry and come directly and kill me. I'll say something. I'm not Yun Shaokang!"

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