Chapter 5

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"Little boy, let's play together!"

The frivolous voice sounded in Shen Xianyu's ear. She grabbed the bag as soon as possible, turned around and was ready to smash it. If she dared to flirt with her, she must let the other party know why the flowers were so red.

Then his hand stopped in mid-air.

"Bang bang..."

The heart beats like the drum that has been beaten the most violently.

Before crossing the border, she was a programmer. Every day except for being with the computer, she spent all other time chasing stars. Whether it was two-dimensional or three-dimensional, as long as it could make her blush and her heart beat faster, she liked it. In one word, she was a fan, and there was no characterization. When she saw something more tempted, she immediately abandoned her previous one. .

Shen Xianyu is one of the best among them. The speed of climbing the wall is comparable to that of 5G signals.

At this moment, I suddenly turned around and saw that there seemed to be gorgeous fireworks exploding in my mind.

The inner scream has reached its peak.

I never thought that someone would grow on her heart everywhere. The smooth and plump forehead looked on a blind date. The edges and corners were very stylish. If you want to touch it, the charming peach blossom eyes seemed to be as clear as water but like an abyss. The flashy eyelashes scratched her heart so much, and then she stood upright. The nose looks so perfect. It must be easy to pinch. Keep your eyes down.

Oh my God!

I'm going to die!

Shen Xianyu felt that her breathing was a little difficult. Her thin lips looked so cute, and they were still pink, with moisturizing water. If she kissed her, she felt that there was nothing better thing in the world than this.

Gold, silver, copper and iron also grabbed the bag, as if anyone dared to deal with their master, he immediately worked hard.


The master is sick!

It looks more serious than ever before.

The four began to communicate with their eyes, "What should I do? The master has never been crazy outside!"

"Why don't you stun and carry it away?"

"Gold, come on, you are the boss."

"Ha ha, I'm the boss at this time!"


They were very happy to come and go. When you came to my senses again, their expressions became more strange. Unexpected scream did not appear, and they shouted crazily, "Brother!" Oba!" The words of wait do not seem to appear, which is abnormally quiet.

However, the four of them really wanted to come forward, shook each other's shoulders and shouted, "Master, what are you thinking? Why are you nosebleed!"

The four dandys with a watery white water and the melon eaters watching this scene also want to know this problem.

In fact, everyone has an answer in their hearts, and they must not think seriously.

Yun Shaojie, who was stared at by her fiery eyes: "???"

Who the hell flirts with whom!

How do you feel that the other party wants to swallow him?

It's ridiculous that he still has a nosebleed.

The young man with two strands of bangs on both sides of his forehead flirted his hair with a fan, smiled at the corners of his mouth, took out a handkerchief in the other hand, handed it to Shen Xianyu, and said gently, "Girl, wipe it."

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