Chapter 126-128

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Chapter 126

Entering the weed courtyard, Shen Xianyu and Shen Muxuan saw everyone standing at the door of Siya's room, pouting their buttocks one by one, craning their necks and looking inside.

The former raised his eyebrows, lighted his footsteps, and silend Shen Muxuan at the same time.

Shen Muxuan: "..."

I'm speechless.

His second sister really didn't stop for a moment.

Even so, he approached quietly.

One step, two steps!

Getting closer and closer!

The next moment, Shen Xianyu suddenly jumped out, shouting "Ah", which scared the four girls who were focused on peeking, trembled all over and their hair stood!

The three girls are okay. As the master, Shen Xianlan, had never been so frightened and subconsciously shouted out.

"Shen Xianyu, you are going to die!"

"It's too much. It's scary!"

"We owe a beating!"

After saying that, the three directly chased Shen Xianyu.

The latter ran away in a circle in the yard.

Shen Xianlan: "!!!"

Her right hand holding a handkerchief kept patting her heart, tears flowing down, and her mouth kept "woo-woo-woo". Even so, she still felt that she wanted to learn from her second sister and moved her position quietly.

"If you can't hit it, you can't!"

Shen Xianyu, who circled, kept turning around and arrogantly provoking the three maids. She didn't see her dear third sister secretly poke out her feet in embroidered shoes.

Shen Muxuan saw it, but he didn't say anything. He saw that the arrogant second sister was mixed up.


A big horse party.

Make a loud noise!

The arrogant laughter stopped abruptly.

"Hahaha! You deserve it!"

"Have you been so sad!"


The three girls stopped, stunned for a moment, and immediately crossed their waists and laughed at Shen Xianyu on the ground. Then they did not forget to give a thumbs up to Shen Xianlan.

Looking at Shen Xianyu lying on the ground, Shen Muxuan really doesn't want to laugh.


Looking up and smiling brightly at the sky, she, Shen Er also has today. God has eyes!

Shen Xianlan, who did such a thing for the first time, was shocked. Her tears fell even more violently, but she was extremely happy. It turned out that this was how the second sister felt every prank was successful, hey! She really missed too much before, "Wow, second sister, are you all right?"

Shen Xian said, "..."

Lie on the ground, look sideways, and look at Shen Xianlan.


Shen Xianlan cried even more violently, "Second sister, you have a nosebleed!"

It's not just the nose bleeding, but also the mouth is broken.

Shen Xianyu didn't take care of it.

She turned over and lay on her back on the ground, looked at the blue sky, white clouds, and fell into meditation. She Shen Erzong had been evil for so many years. For the first time, she planted in the hands of a rookie. Well, ignore her, she wants to be quiet now!

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