Chapter 35-36

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Chapter 35

When the dean returned to the college, he knew what was going on in the canteen and twitched the corners of his mouth. No wonder the emperor praised Shen Er. If this group of dandy really succeeded, the emperor who was smashed money would be very happy.

Well, most of the emperor's character will reward Shen Er with a word of praise.

Suddenly, an unknown idea emerged, and such a thing will not happen often in the future, will it?

If so, Ting Song will have a headache. After all, it will be more and more difficult for Shen Er to discipline!

That afternoon, dandy scum began to count the minimum amount of money that everyone can spend when they go home.

Sanya looked at the prince who came to her and smiled, "Mr. Zhu, the slave is just a little maid. I don't have money."

Mr. Zhu said he didn't believe it. Looking at Shen Xianyu, the meaning could not be more obvious. The little maid's money should be paid by her. Since she could let the little maid go to school, what's wrong with paying some money?

"Brother Zhu."

Shen Xianyu arched his hand, and her smile turned into a sad head the next moment. "It's a terrible thing. You actually forced a little maid to pay."

Mr. Zhu, a talented man, said eloquently, "In my heart, she is not a little maid, but my classmate. If her classmates are in trouble, shouldn't she lend a helping hand?"

Sanya smiled.

Shen Xianyu raised her eyebrows, good boy, actually provoked her!

A malicious smile appeared the next second, "Then are you really sure that our Sanya belongs to your scum camp?"

This speaks directly into Mr. Zhu's heart.

Because this young master actually doesn't want to be a scumbag. The dandy belongs to the few students in the scum class who love to study very much. However, love is one thing, and the grades are another matter. At least her four girls take turns to go to school, and the exam results are absolutely envied in this class, which is definitely envyed by Mr. Zhu and others. Zhu. The existence of jealousy.

"Miss, keep a low profile, keep a low profile."

At this time, Sanya said this sentence reservedly again.

Mr. Zhu couldn't laugh, and his thick face turned into sadness. "As a scum, why don't you care about your classmates at all? Is it so poisonous?"

"As long as you don't talk about money, everything is fine. Talking about money hurts your feelings, Zhu Zha, you don't even understand this, do you?"

It's not easy to refuse anything.

Unincome with the group or something.

It doesn't exist here in Shen Xianyu.

She patted Zhu Tongfan on the shoulder and said, "Reassure, I will take my four maids to cheer for you on Dragon Boat Festival." Speaking of this, her right hand moved away from the other party's shoulder, clenched her fist and said at the same time, "Come on!"

Mr. Zhu, who was deeply aware that he had not practiced enough, retired and began to find another classmate.

Therefore, a vigorous action to cheat their fathers and elders began after they returned home from school.

In the deep house courtyard, the chickens and dogs jumped, and the ghosts cried and howled. Don't underestimate the dandy's ability to make trouble. The elders who were cheated were exhausted. After the failure to use the use of force, they compromised unwillingly asked reluctantly, "Who gave you a bad idea?"

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