Chapter 2: A Vision Clear

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Kion was so confused about his dream last night. "Dad, I had a weird dream last night," Kion said. "Not now son, I'm planning another attack for more territory," Simba shoed Kion away.

Kion walked around the pridelands, wondering why he didn't dream of murdering animals like usual. Kion decided to hunt. He found a gazelle, and got into a hunting position. He pounced, and instantly killed the gazelle. Kion dipped his head in thanks for the gazelle for being his food. He dragged it back to the pride.

Simba was talking to Nala. Kiara was sitting to the side. "Dad?" Kion asked dropping the gazelle. "Yes Kion?" Simba replied turning to him. "What kingdom are we attacking?" Kion asked. "The Tree Of Life, though I'm not ready to attack yet, their forces are strong," Simba explained. "Oh good thinking dad," Kion replied. "Why don't you and Kiara go to sleep, its late," Nala said. "Ok mom," Kion nuzzled Nala and went inside Priderock. He curled into a ball and fell asleep.

Kion started having the dream again, but this time, it wasn't as blured. He could tell it was a lioness, and she was crying. Then she attacked Kion. Kion woke up with a jolt. "What in the world!" He shouted. After a couple minutes he went back to sleep. But that dream came again. The brown lioness was crying, and she walked to Kion and attacked him. "Screw it, I can't even get sleep around here," Kion shouted. He walked out of Priderock.

It was dark out. Kion started walking to the border of the Pridelands. He walked past it, and kept on walking. He saw a beautiful waterfall. "Hmm. I think I'll sleep here, maybe I won't have the same dream again," Kion thought to himself. He layed down by a rock. He fell asleep.

He had the same dream, but it wasn't fogged anymore. Kion could tell the lioness was a year younger than him. He saw a mark on her shoulder like his. He saw her chocolate brown eyes. Kion tried to walk, but the dream just had him stay in one place. The lioness was moving her mouth. Kion assumed she was talking to him, but no sound came out of her mouth. Then she stopped crying, and gave a look of hatred. She unsheathend her claws and attacked Kion. "Jeez why can't I sleep anymore!" Kion complained. He stood up, and walked back to Priderock.

"Dad," Kion shook him awake. "Yes son?" Simba woke up. "Can you tell me some of your murder stories, I keep having this dream, and I can't sleep," Kion asked. "Oh course," Simba smiled and stood up, "This way." Simba led Kion to the top of priderock.

"Which one do you want to hear?" Simba asked

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"Which one do you want to hear?" Simba asked. "Something that will make me get murdering back on my mind, not someone attacking me," Kion replied. Simba smiled. "There I was, face to face with a male lion trying to take my Pride, I showed no mercy, I grabbed him by the throat, and slammed him to the ground. I stuck my claws into his throat, and instantly killed him," Simba said. Kion smiled, "That definitely worked. Your awesome dad." "I don't know about awesome, but thanks. Your pretty good too, I mean taking on a pack of leopards!" Kion smiled, "I want to be just like you." "And you will, and in a couple days, you can get as much blood on your paws as you want, we are attacking, the Tree Of Life!" "Yes, that place is perfect," Kion smirked. "Oh Kion, I have heard that there was a lioness a year younger than you at the Tree Of Life, how would you like to mate her? I will leave her alive just for you." Simba said. "Uh dad, I'm not ready for that," Kion replied. "Son, if you can kill a pack of leopards, your ready for mating. Either mate her, or kill her." "Kill her," Kion replied. Simba nodded, "Just to let you know Kion, you might not find another lioness, and when you want to mate, you can't. You can't mate any in this Pride, because otherwise your mating your sister or cousin." "I know dad, but I'm not ready." Simba shrugged. "Let's go back."

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