Chapter 17: Don't Attack!

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Kion went running looking for Rani. He found her in a forest.

Rani was walking in a forest. Regretting everything she did. Suddenly, she felt an immense amount of pain. She clutched her paw to her stomach and groaned.

Kion was stalking Rani. "I've got you now," Kion whispered. He pounced and pinned Rani. Rani looked up at him. "Kion!" She asked shocked. "Thought I wouldn't survive did you?" Kion growled, "Well, I'm going to finish what I started when I was cursed." Kion put his claws to Rani's throat. "Wait Kion please!" Rani shouted. Kion stopped only to hear what lame excuse Rani had. "Kion don't kill me please," Rani begged. "Why not?" Kion raised an eyebrow. "Because," Rani sighed. Kion firmly held Rani's throat with his paw. "IM PREGNANT!" Rani shouted. She started to tear up. "So? Your pregnant. At least I'll kill the cubs which will have your murderous genes in them," Kion smirked. "THEIR YOUR CUBS! Rani screamed. She started crying. Kion stood there, shocked. The world went hazy, and Kion fell on Rani.

"Ahh!" Rani screamed in pain from Kion falling on her. She tried to push him off, but with her being pregnant, the cubs were taking all her strength. Rani saw Baliyo approaching. "Baliyo, help," Rani begged. "Is that Kion?" Baliyo asked. Rani nodded. Baliyo pushed Kion off her. "What happened?" Baliyo asked. "Kion attacked me, and I told him I was pregnant with his cubs, and he fainted on me," Rani explained. "Guess he wasn't expecting that," Baliyo shrugged. "Um can you leave us alone for a second?" Rani asked. "Sure," Baliyo left.

Rani looked at the unconscious Kion. She went next to him and cuddled in his chest.

About an hour later, Kion woke up. Rani was cuddling in his chest. He stood up. Rani woke up. "Your pregnant?" Kion asked in a whisper. "When you raped me, you got me pregnant," Rani sighed. "Im so sorry-" Rani cut Kion off. "No need to apologize Kion, I know it wasn't you, it was the curse." Kion smiled slightly. "I also shouldn't have thrown you off the cliff. Wait, how did you survive that fall?" Rani asked. "I guess I'm to strong, but the impact broke my back, legs, and damaged my lungs," Kion explained. "Sooo then how are you walking?" Rani asked. "Apperently, there is a small pride made of two lionesses and three males down there. They healed me," Kion replied. "Oh, you sure your ok?" Rani raised an eyebrow. "Rani! There is a Pride down there," Kion replied. Rani nodded. "So now what?" Kion asked. Rani wrapped her arms around Kion's neck, and kissed him. Kion enjoyed it.

"Rani? Are you ok?" Kion asked. "Perfectly fine," Rani smiled at him. "Really? Because you normally rip my fur off, claw me up, bite me to death, or throw me off cliffs," Kion said sarcastically. "If you want, and can claw you up," Rani said seductively. "No thanks," Kion replied. Rani ran her tail under his chin, and flicked his chin with the end of her tail. "Rani why are you acting like this?" Kion asked. "Because you are the father of our future cubs," Rani smiled. "Oh right, I forgot," Kion replied. "Your stuck with me now," Rani smirked at him. "I think I need a little more time. I mean, you just threw my off a cliff," Kion replied. Rani sighed. "Ok, that's enough time," Kion kissed Rani. Rani kissed him back.

"I love you Kion," Rani smiled. "I love you too Rani," Kion nuzzled her.

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