Chapter 5: Messing Around With Rani

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Kion walked over to his friend, Abriz.

(This is Abriz 16, Abriz means "Pure Gold")

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(This is Abriz 16, Abriz means "Pure Gold")

Abriz looks alot like Kion, and even had the same scar. Some lions say they are twins, but they aren't. Abriz was born with the scar on his eye. Kion wasn't, Kion got his from his dad.

"Hi Abriz," Kion smiled. "Hey dude," Abriz and Kion paw bumped. (Fist bump with paws) "So rumor has it that your dad gave you a lioness to mate with?" Abriz asked. "Yep, I haven't mated her yet, her name is Rani. Want to meet her?" Kion asked. "Hell yeah!" Kion chuckled. He led Abriz to the cave. "Why is there a Rhino blocking the entrance?" Abriz asked. "My dad kidnapped her from the Tree Of Life, and killed her family, he doesn't want her escaping," Kion explained. "Dude your dad is awesome." "I know," Kion replied. They walked in.

Rani was laying down. Kion and Abriz walked in. Abriz whistled, "Well look at that." Rani looked up and growled. "Oh she's feisty," Abriz said. "Who are you!" Rani shouted. "Oh sorry princess, I forgot a formal introduction," Kion mocked, "This is my best friend Abriz." "Did you bring him here so he could have his way with me too!" She growled. "Maybe," Kion smirked. Rani backed away in fear. Kion whispered in Abriz's ear, "We aren't mating her yet, lets just scare her a little." Abriz nodded. They approached Rani. Abriz ran behind her, and clawed her back. Kion clawed her chest. Rani was screaming in pain. "This is fun," Abriz smirked. "Yep, her misery brings me joy," Kion replied. Rani collapsed to the ground in pain. She was gasping for breath. Kion had gotten her throat, and she couldn't breath right. "I've got it," Kion gave cpr, and got her water. Rani stood up and pushed him away. She walked to the wall and layed down.

"Why is it so fun messing with her?" Abriz asked. Kion shrugged, "But when we mate her, that will be better." "Wait, you said 'we'," Abriz asked. "Yeah. I'll let you mate her to." "WHAT!" Rani shouted. She stood up. "You heard that princess, you'll get mated twice as much," Kion smirked. He and Abriz walked out. "So when do we mate her?" Abriz asked. "Hmm, how about two days," Kion replied. Abriz nodded. They walked back to Priderock.

As they walked through the lands, and into Priderock, teen lionesses were drooling over them. They kept looking at them. Kion and Abriz just walked on. "It's nice being the hottest male lions in the pride," Abriz said. "Yep," Kion nodded. A lioness stopped Abriz. She pinned him down. "Woah get off me!" He shouted. He pushed her off. "Way to clingy," Abriz said. Kion chuckled. They went into Priderock and slept.

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