Chapter 18: Anger Problems

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It's been a few days. And Rani and Kion are no longer mad at each other anymore. Rani had told her parents about how Kion survived.

Rani was resting in her and Kion's cave. Sahasi was a little mad at Kion, but he didn't hurt him. Ananda on the other paw was super happy for her daughter, and son in law.

Rani was laying down in her cave. Kion walked in. "Get me water now!" Rani ordered. She clawed Kion in the face. Kion roared. "What is wrong with you!" He shouted. Ananda heard the arguing. She walked in the cave. She saw Kion had blood on his face. Rani must be having anger problems. She walked up to Kion. "Kion, she's having anger problems. When a lioness is pregnant, that's what happens. I would just go with the pain, and get her whatever she needs," Ananda instructed. Kion nodded. He ran out to get Rani water.

"Rani, try not to be so aggressive on Kion ok?" Anands asked. Rani rolled her eyes. "I hope I wasn't like that when I was pregnant," Ananda mumbled.

Kion ran to a lake, grabbed a leaf and filled it with water. He ran back to his cave.

When Kion got there, he heard singing. He looked in. He saw Ananda laying next to Rani, singing a song.

As Ananda was singing, she was stroking Rani's cheek with her tail.

Kion set the leaf down and listened to Ananda sing.

When Ananda finished, Rani was asleep. She noticed Kion. "That is her favorite song. It calms her down," Ananda smiled. "I can tell," Kion chuckled. He picked the leaf up, and walked up to Rani and Ananda. "How's that scratch?" Ananda asked looking at Kion's cheek. "It's fine," Kion shrugged. "I'll be going now," Ananda stood up. She and Kion nuzzled. Kion layed next to Rani and put his head on her back.

Rani woke up to see a leaf full of water next to her. Kion had his head on her back. He was purring. Rani smiled. She lapped at the water. Kion woke up. "Morning beautiful," He licked her cheek. "Morning handsome," Rani pinned Kion down and kissed him. They nuzzled. Rani got off Kion. "Hard to believe we once hated each other," Kion said. "I don't want to think about that," Rani replied. Kion chuckled. "I'm going for a walk," Rani walked out of the cave.

Rani was walking in the plains. There was a beautiful flower. Rani went over and smelled it. "That's smells beautiful," Rani smiled. Suddenly, her body stiffened. She couldn't control anything. She smirked evilly.

(Rani has smelled a Oleander flower. They are toxic)

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