Chapter 29: Rejection

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Raja walked up to Ailia. He was dragging a zebra. Ailia was talking to all her friends. "Hi Ailia," Raja said nervously. Ailia looked him up and down. "What do you want Raja?" She asked in a snarky way. "I got you a zebra," Raja smiled. Ailia scoffed. "What are you doing?" She asked. "Being nice," Raja replied. The lionesses laughed. "Your a dork," Ailia laughed. Raja growled. He got into a pouncing position. Ailia raised an eyebrow. "I'm not a dork!" Raja pouncing on Ailia. He raised his paw, and extended his claws. He looked at Ailia's face. She was scared. Raja realized what he was doing, and got off Ailia. He walked away, head down, ears back, and tail dragging. Ailia watched him leave. "H-He didn't kill me," she stampered. "Do you have feelings for him?" One of the lionesses asked. "I-I don't know," Ailia replied. She stared at Raja.

Sawa walked toward Macera. He was laughing with the other teen males. "Uh hi Macera," Sawa stampered. Macera turned to look at her. "What do you want princess?" He rolled his eye's. "Don't call me that!" Sawa growled. "Your cute," the males chuckled. Sawa got so angry, she roared, but she used the Roar of the Elders. Now she and Kion had it.

The males dug their claws in the ground so they wouldn't be blow away

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The males dug their claws in the ground so they wouldn't be blow away. Sawa attacked Macera. She pinned him down. "Don't ever call me princess, or I will rip your throat out and leave you for the hyenas!" Sawa threatened, "And my dad is the king. I can have you exhiled, also I'm future queen, so you better get used to taking orders from me, got it!" Sawa growled. Macera nodded. Sawa got off him and walked away.

"Dude who knew she could roar like that," one of the males said. "She has so much passion," Macera started at Sawa as she walked away.

Sawa met up with Kion and Rani. "Sawa, did you just roar, like really loud?" Kion asked. Sawa nodded. "You have the Roar of the Elders just like me!" Kion shouted. He hugged his daughter. Raja walked up to them looking sad. "What's wrong Raja?" Rani asked. "I don't wanna talk about it," Raja walked into the tree. Rani looked at Kion. Kion nodded. He followed Raja.

"Soo, how did it go with Macera?" Rani asked. "So he was mocking me, and I roared at him and his friends, tackled him to the ground and said if he did that again I would rip his throat out and leave him for the hyenas," Sawa explained. "Seems like I need to find a way to make you less violent," Rani said. "Hmm no thanks, I like the way i am," Sawa replied. "Then go apologize to Macera," Rani said. Sawa went looking for Macera.

"Son what happened?" Kion asked Raja. "Ailia called me a dork, so I attacked her," Raja replied. "Hmm," Kion thought. "Sleep on it ok son?" Kion asked. Raja nodded.

Sawa found Macera at his den. His parents kicked him out because he was old enough to mate. "Uh hi Macera," Sawa said. "Hi Sawa," Macera said with a smile. "I want to apologize for earlier," Sawa looked down. "I don't accept your apology,"

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