Chapter 7: Rani's plan

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"Uh what are you doing!" Kion shouted. Rani didn't respond. Abriz growled at her. She turned to him, then back to Kion. She kept walking towards him. She took her tail, and ran it under his chin, then she put her tail in his mane, and down his back. "What are you doing!" Kion growled turning around to face her, "Answer me or I'll mate you!" "Go ahead, mate me," Rani smirked at him. She lightly pinned him down. Abriz stood there, ready to defend Kion if needed. "You want me to mate you?" Kion asked. Rani used her paw to stroke his face. Kion pushed Rani off him, and walked out, Abriz followed. Rani smirked, her plan was working. Her plan was to make it seem like she wanted to mate, so that it would take the fun out of it for Kion and Abriz.

Kion and Abriz walked out of the cave. "You ok dude?" Abriz asked. "No! Rani is taking all the fun out of mating, by wanting to mate!" Kion shouted. "The brightside is you can mate her without her fighting back," Abriz said. "Oh yeah, I'm going there now." "Ok, ill leave," Abriz winked. He left to his family. Kion walked into the cave.

Rani was laying down, crying. "Can you leave us alone for a sec?" Kion asked the Rhino. The Rhino left. Kion approached Rani. Rani looked up, tears in her eyes. "Leave me alone!" Kion kept walking toward her. Rani didn't try to get up. Kion whispered in her ear, "I'm not going to hurt you." "What," Rani was shocked. Kion stepped away from her, "I don't want to mate you." Rani was confused, "But you kept saying you were." "UGH, I trying to act cool I front of my friend, and make my dad happy, I need you to say I mated with you." "As long as you don't actually mate me, I'm down, and no more clawing me!" Rani growled. "Ok, I won't let Abriz here anymore," Kion replied. "You seemed so convincing, I actually thought you wanted to rape me," Rani said. "Well I am a good actor," Kion smirked.

Rani chuckled and got up, "Thanks Kion, I wasn't ready for that, and I am glad your a good lion

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Rani chuckled and got up, "Thanks Kion, I wasn't ready for that, and I am glad your a good lion." "I have been told that I am a evil lion, I show no mercy to Predators, a couple weeks ago, a bunch of leopards came to the pridelands. I didn't even ask why they were there, I just, I killed them all," Kion cried. He collapsed on the ground in tears, "I put on this sherad for my dad, acting like I want to be like him. When I was just a cub, I forgave an enemy, and my dad got so mad, he clawed me in the face, and I got this scar," Kion cried. Rani felt sympathy for him. She layed next to him. "Kion, I bet if you told your dad that you are a good lion, and you don't like killing, he will understand," Rani said. Kion abruptly stood up. "You don't know my father! He would kill me!" Kion shouted. "Oh," Rani stood up. "I have to go, if I'm here to long, Abriz will get suspicious, if I act mean around you, know it is not real," Kion walked out. He smirked, "She's falling for my lies," He whispered.

Kion walked to Abriz. "So, how was it?" Abriz chuckled. "Pretty good, I'm going to go back for more later," Kion smirked. "Your not clawed up, so I can tell she enjoyed it," Abriz said. "Oh yes she did. I got to go Abriz, bye," Kion waved goodbye. Kion didn't actually mate Rani, but planned to soon.

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