Chapter 26: Please Take Me Back

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Rani, Raja, and Sawa ran to the Pridelands. Well, Rani has Raja and Sawa on her back.

Rani was getting tired. She spotted Priderock. "We are almost there," Rani said. "Yay daddy!" Sawa squeaked. Rani ran to Priderock.

She looked up. Rani took a deep breath. She walked up Priderock. Kiara was there. "Who are you?" Kiara asked. "I am Kion's mate, and these are our cubs," Rani explained. "Oh, I'm Kion's sister, Kiara," Kiara said. "Nice to meet you, but I really need to talk to Kion," Rani replied. Kiara nodded and led Rani inside Priderock.

Rani saw Kion laying down. She set Sawa and Raja down. Rani slowly approached Kion.

Kion was laying down. Suddenly, he could sense Rani. He looked up. Rani was approaching him. He growled. Rani stopped. Kion stood up. Kiara watched from the entrance of the cave. "What do you want Rani!" He shouted. Rani looked at him with sorrow. "Kion, I'm sorry," Rani said. "Good you said it, now go!" Kion growled. Rani burst into tears and ran out. Kiara watched Rani leave. Raja and Sawa looked confused. Kiara walked to Kion.

"What was that!" She shouted. Kion growled. "Seriously, she came all this way to apologize!" "And she did," Kion replied. "What is wrong with you!" Kiara shouted. "Nothing." "Yes there is Kion! Rani is sorry for what she did, your cubs are sad because they don't have a dad, and you are acting like a jerk!" Kiara growled. "I don't care, she tried to kill me, and got mad at me for taking our cubs out to explore!" Kion shouted.

"You need to apologize to Rani!" Kiara ordered. "But-" Kion was interrupted. "Daddy, I'm scared. What's going on between you and mommy? Are you guys ok?" Raja asked. Kiara glared at Kion. Kion grabbed his cubs and set them in between his arms. He nuzzled them. "I'll go apologize to Rani. Can you watch my cubs?" Kion asked. "I'd love to," Kiara smiled. Kion set Sawa and Raja down.

Kion bolted out of Priderock. He ran to the top of Priderock. He looked around. He couldn't see Rani. He ran down and looked for her scent. He got it. He ran to a lake. Rani was laying there, crying. He walked behind her. He walked beside her. Rani turned to him, she gave him a dirty look, and started walking away. Kion ran after her. He accidentally splashed her with water.

Rani abruptly turned around. She splashed him back. Kion splashed her. Rani pushed Kion in the water. Kion grabbed Rani, and pulled her in. They kept splashing each other. Rani walked out and shook herself dry. Kion came out. Rani used her back paw, and pushed him back in, but in the process, Kion grabbed Rani, and she fell in. Kion walked out, and shook his mane dry. It went from mushed and wet, to tall and sleek. Rani walked out, and dried her fur.

"Rani, I'm so sorry for how I acted," Kion apologized. Rani pinned him down. She kissed him. "So you accept my apology?" Kion asked. "Only if you do one thing," Rani smirked. "What?" Kion raised an eyebrow. Rani smirked at him again. "Ohh," Kion pinned Rani down. "I love you Rani," Kion said. "Stop talking," Rani pulled Kion down in a kiss.

Kiara was playing with Raja and Sawa. "You guys are so adorable," Kiara smiled.

Kion and Rani walked in the cave. Kiara looked at them. They were smirking at each other. "So uh, Kion, do you use mating as an apology?" Kiara asked with a smirk. Kion blushed. Rani smirked and kissed him. Kiara chuckled. "Kiara don't talk about that infront of the cubs," Kion said. "They are to young to understand," Kiara replied. Kion frowned. Rani licked his cheek.

"So are you guys going back to the Tree Of Life?" Kiara asked. "Yeah, we are going to be king and queen soon," Rani replied. "Oh ok, I love you Kion, I love you Rani," Kiara nuzzled them. "And you little angels, I love you guys," Kiara nuzzled Sawa and Raja.

Kion and Rani started walking toward the Tree Of Life.

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