Chapter 15: Rani's News

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Rani walked away from throwing Kion off the cliff. "I no longer need to be afraid," Rani smiled. She walked back to the tree.

"Where's Kion?" Ananda asked. Rani gave a blank face. " watering hole," Rani nodded, pursing her lips, "Yup, that's it. The watering hole." Ananda raised an eyebrow, but shrugged.

Rani walked into the tree, and went to sleep. She was at the side of the tree, next to the wall. Baliyo, Ananda, and Sahasi soon came in. Baliyo slept next to Rani. Ananda and Sahasi went onto the Royal Rock.

During the night, Rani ran outside. Baliyo didn't feel the warmth of his sister. He saw her running out of the tree. He followed her. He saw Rani throwing up outside. "Rani? Sis are you ok?" Baliyo asked. "Yeah, I think I'm fine," Rani walked back in. Baliyo woke up Ananda and Sahasi. "Mom dad!" He whispered. "Baliyo?" Ananda opened her eyes. Sahasi stood up. "Rani just threw up. Is she ok?" Baliyo asked. "Hmm, let me check," Ananda walked over to Rani. "Rani, your brother says you threw up," Ananda said. Rani nodded. Ananda felt Rani's stomach. Her face went blank. "Mom?" Rani asked. "S-Sahasi," Ananda stampered. Ananda took her paw off Rani's stomach. Sahasi walked up to Ananda. "What is it?" He asked. "R-Rani's pregnant!" Ananda shouted. Rani jumped up. "What!" She shouted. "Who did this to you?" Sahasi ordered. "I-I don't know," Rani stampered. Ananda looked shocked. "It was Kion," She whispered, "When he raped you he must've gotten you pregnant!" Rani passed out. Ananda looked at Sahasi. "Sahasi, you won't hurt Kion," She said. "Fine," Sahasi rolled his eye's.

Rani was so shocked. She had killed the father of her cubs. He may have raped her, but Rani started to feel regret for killing Kion. "Now I'm going have to raise cubs by myself," Rani thought. She started crying. "Rani what's wrong?" Ananda asked. "Mom. I-I threw Kion off a cliff yesterday," Rani cried. "Why?" Ananda asked shocked. "He raped me that's why!" Rani shouted. "Rani, he was cursed," Ananda replied. "Sorry, my anger took over," Rani looked down sad. Ananda sighed and hugged her daughter.

Kion and Rani: The War By A CurseWhere stories live. Discover now