Chapter 31: One Happy Family

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3 Months Later:

"Ahhh!" Sawa screamed. Macera woke up. "Sawa what's wrong?" "The cubs are coming you idiot!" She screamed. "Sorry, I'm just in a lot of pain." "I understand," Macera put Sawa on his back, and ran her to the tree. "Kion, Rani! Sawa's giving birth!" Macera shouted. "Bring her here now!" Rani ordered. Macera set her on the rock. Sawa screamed again. Macera's world went fuzzy. He couldn't walk. Macera blacked out. "Kion, get Macera out of here," Rani looked at Kion. He was also blacked out. "Ugh I need to do everything myself," Rani quickly dragged Kion and Macera out. She ran back to Sawa.

Macera woke up, as well as Kion. There was a lioness at the entrance of the tree. Macera ran to her. "Let's me in!" He growled. "Sorry Macera, you cant," the lioness replied. Kion walked up to Macera. "Macera, I had to go through the same thing with Rani," Kion explained. Suddenly, they were being trampled on by lionesses. "Ahh!" The lionesses went into the tree. "How come they get to go in!" Macera growled. "They are helping her give birth," the lioness said. Macera paced back and forth. He sat down, and pinned his ears back, "I feel so useless." Kion sat beside him. "It's ok, the lionesses know what they are doing." "Thank you," Macera smiled.

Sawa screamed in pain. "Sawa your doing ok," Rani said. "Ahhhh!" Sawa screamed. "It's hurts so much!" Sawa screamed. "It's ok Sawa, I'm here, don't worry," Rani said calmly. "Ok, push," Rani instructed. Sawa pushed. A male fell into Rani's arms. Sawa pushed again. A female fell into Rani's arms. Sawa pushed one last time, and another female fell in Rani's arms. "They are beautiful," Rani said. The lionesses surrounded around Sawa, Rani and the three cubs. "Tell Macera and Kion that they can come in," Rani said. Sawa smiled as she cleaned her cubs.

"Macera, Kion, you can come in now," A lioness said. Macera bolted in, Kion walked. Macera couldn't even get to Sawa. "Sawa!" He shouted. He couldn't hear her response because the lionesses were talking all at once. Macera tried to get through, but the lionesses were crammed together. Macera looked at Kion. "Ladies move out of the way, King coming through," the lionesses moved. Macera walked behind Kion. "There you go," Kion smiled. Macera dashed to Sawa. She smiled at him. "Meet your three cubs Macera," Sawa revealed the three cubs. "What should we name them?" Macera asked. "You can name them," Sawa said. "How about this, you name the girls, I'll name the boy," Macera said. "What should we name the boy then?" Sawa asked. "Izar," Macera said, "Because of the star on his head. "The middle one we should name Zaylee, and the youngest Kaia," Sawa suggested. "I love them," Macera nuzzled Sawa.

(Izar 1 day old, Izar means, "Star")

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(Izar 1 day old, Izar means, "Star")

(Zaylee 1 day old, Zaylee means, "Beautiful Flower")

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(Zaylee 1 day old, Zaylee means, "Beautiful Flower")

(Zaylee 1 day old, Zaylee means, "Beautiful Flower")

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(Kaia 1 day old, Kaia means, "Pure, Life, Sea")

Kion and Rani nuzzled. "Can I see my sister's cubs?" Raja asked. "Yes you can Raja," Sawa chuckled. Raja and Ailia walked up. "They are beautiful," Ailia said. "Thank you," Sawa smiled. Sawa kissed Macera.

Kion, Rani, Sawa, Raja, Macera, Ailia, Izar, Zaylee, and Kaia stood on the crowning rock. They all roared.

The End

I finished this book! I loved writing it, and I hoped you all enjoyed reading it. I have a whole bunch of Kion and Rani books in my drafts that I'm writing. I can't wait to share them with you all! Love yall!❤

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