Chapter 28: All Grown Up

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Raja and Sawa have grown up so much.

(Raja 15)

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(Raja 15)

(Sawa 15 Future Queen)

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(Sawa 15 Future Queen)

(Sawa 15 Future Queen)

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(Kion 20)

(Rani 18)

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(Rani 18)

There are a bunch of new lions in the pride

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There are a bunch of new lions in the pride.
Kion and Raja were walking around, talking. Rani and Sawa were also walking around, talking.

"Raja, how have you been?" Kion asked. "I've been pretty good," Raja replied. Suddenly, a teen lioness came into view. She was with a bunch of other lionesses. Raja stared at her.

(Ailia 14, Ailia means, "Light")

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(Ailia 14, Ailia means, "Light")

Kion followed his sons gaze. He smirked. "I see, you like her don't you?" Kion asked. "Uhh no," Raja blushed. Kion tussled Raja's mane. "Fine, I do," Raja admitted. (I don't know who Raja's actual mate is, so I made a character) "I felt the same way when I saw your mother," Kion smiled. "How did you meet mom?" Raja asked. "Uhhhh," Kion couldn't tell Raja that he kidnapped Rani, tortured her, then raped her. "Hunting," Kion said. "Oh ok. What should I do?" Raja asked. "Hmm, maybe hunt something, and offer it to her," Kion suggested. "Thanks dad your the best," Raja nuzzled Kion. Kion nuzzled him back.

Kion watched his son hunt. He walked away to Rani.

Rani was talking with Sawa. "So Sawa, is there anything I should know abou?" Rani asked. "Well, there is this male I like," Sawa replied. "Ooo who is he!" Rani asked. "Macera," Sawa said. "Oh he is nice," Rani smirked.

(Macera 17, Macera means, "Stone" Sorry I couldn't find a better picture of him FYI: Macera's eyes are beautiful

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(Macera 17, Macera means, "Stone" Sorry I couldn't find a better picture of him FYI: Macera's eyes are beautiful. I mean one green and one orange I'm obsessed!)

"Yeah he's nice," Kiara smiled. "So are you mates yet?" Rani asked. "No. He doesn't even notice me," Sawa sighed, "How did you get dad to notice you?" "Well, your dad accidentally got me pregnant, but I didn't realize it, then I threw him off a cliff because he mated me, then I found out I was pregnant. Your dad survived the fall, and attacked me for throwing him off. Before he could kill me, I told him he was pregnant, and since then he was nicer to me," Rani explained. "Uhhh wow," Sawa was shocked, "So, dad just mated you for fun?" Sawa asked.

Rani sighed. "It's time you know. Your dad lived in the Pridelands when he was a teenager. His dad and him were cursed, which turned them evil. They attacked the Tree Of Life. Simba, your dad's dad, kidnapped me. They brought me to the Pridelands, and your dad, tortured me. I escaped, and came back. Kion and his dad attacked again, your dad dragged me from the battle, and mated with me," Rani explained. "What! Dad was like that!" Sawa asked shocked. "Remember, your dad was cursed," Rani said. "Oh right. Im sorry for what you had to go through," Sawa hugged Rani. Kion walked up to them.

"Dad why did you do that!" Sawa shouted. Kion raised an eyebrow. Rani sighed. "Sawa, he was cursed," Rani said. "So, I want dads side of the story!" Sawa replied. Kion raised an eyebrow. "Why did you rape mom!" Sawa shouted. Kion was shocked, "You told her about that!" "She had to know Kion," Rani walked beside him. Kion sighed. "Sawa, I'm not proud of what I did, but if I didn't do what I did, you wouldn't be alive, and I wouldn't have the greatest lioness in the world as my mate," Kion and Rani kissed. "Eww keep that in a cave," Sawa looked away. Kion and Rani chuckled. "Sawa, go talk to Macera," Rani said. Sawa smiled and ran off.

"Raja likes Ailia," Kion said nuzzling Rani, "He is going to talk to her now." "Sawa has a crush on Macera," Rani said. "Macera is a good guy," Kion replied. "Yeah," Rani licked his cheek, "But he isn't as good as you." Kion smirked. Rani and Kion walked into the tree.

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