Chapter 4: Kion's Orders

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"I want to play with you first," Kion smirked. He approached Rani. Rani backed away. "Get away from me you scary lion!" She shouted. "It's Kion to you," he growled. Rani growled. She clawed at Kion, but missed. Kion had her trapped by a wall. He pinned her against it, and lightly took his claw and ran it down her stomach. Rani screamed as blood came out. "If you want me to mate with you, stop!" She screamed. Kion looked at her, "Either way I would mate you, you have no power, or control," Kion smirked. He let go of Rani and she fell to the ground, blood going everywhere. "You and your father, are murderers!" She shouted. "His name is Simba, but that will be King Simba to you," Kion growled. "It doesn't matter, your both murderers," She slowly stood up. "I can kill you, right now," Kion took out his razor sharp claws. "Then who would you mate then?" Rani scoffed. "Your dead body," Kion smirked. Rani gasped. Kion approached her again, and she backed into the wall. She got an idea.

Rani sprang off the wall, and ran out of the cave. Kion chased after her. Rani couldn't run fast because of her stomach. Kion jumped on her, and stood on her back, "Trying to be slick huh?" "Just leave me alone!" Rani cried. Kion grabbed her by the scruff, and dragged her back to the cave. "I'm going to be nice, and not tell anyone you ran off," Kion said. "Is this so you can get more mating out of me!" She growled. "No actually, I don't want to see you get thrown by a Rhino, I know the feeling, it's not good," Kion said. Rani laughed. She smiled, but then realizing why she was here, she frowned. "If I was brought here to mate with you, why don't you do it already?" She shouted. "Because I'm not done playing with you," Kion smirked. He pinned Rani back against the wall. Rani knew what was going to happen. She tried to get free, but couldn't. Kion was to strong. Kion looked her directly in her eyes, then brought all his claws out, and clawed down her side. Rani cried in pain. Her tears ran down. "Stop crying, your so weak," Kion rolled his eye's and dropped her to the ground. "Let's see how you like it," Rani growled. She tried to get him, but Kion dodged. "Ok fine, I'll let you claw me to show how weak you are," Kion said. Rani got her claws out, but then Kion slammed her against the wall. "Your so stupid, you actually thought I'd let you claw me!" He laughed. Rani tried to get up, but the impact was too hard. Kion walked out of the cave.

Kion saw a Rhino approach the cave. "Don't let her out, and don't talk to her, ignore her," Kion ordered. He walked away to Priderock.

"So son? What did you do?" Simba asked. "I played with her," Kion replied. "Played how?" Nala asked. "I clawed down her stomach and sides," Kion said. "Way to show dominence son," Simba replied. Kion nodded. He fell asleep.

Rani was in so much pain, and she knew there was more to come. She knew that once Kion mated with her, he'd want more. "I'm living in a nightmare," She cried into her paws.

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