Chapter 25: Fight

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"RAJA, SAWA!" Rani screamed. Kion just stood there. Rani screamed and ran to them. Kion followed.

Raja and Sawa were hanging off a cliff. "Raja, I can't hold on much longer," Sawa cried. "Cmon sis, someone will find us, just hang on," Raja asked. "I..cant..hold..on," Sawa let go. "Sawa!" Raja shouted. Suddenly, a gold pelt went into Raja's view. It grabbed Sawa by the scruff and pulled her up. Someone grabbed him and put him on the ground. He looked up. "Mom, dad!" He ran and hugged them. Sawa layed there in shock. "What were you thinking!" Rani shouted. "Rani don't go so hard on them," Kion asked. Rani growled at him. "W-We just wanted to explore," Raja and Sawa started crying. Kion walked up to them and nuzzled them. "Kion stop!" Rani growled. "Rani they are just cubs!" Kion said calmly. "Exactly! They shouldn't have snuck out!" Rani growled at Raja and Sawa.

"Rani, calm down," Kion said. "CALM DOWN!" Rani shouted. She pushed Kion. Kion fell over the side of the cliff. "Daddy!" Raja and Sawa screamed. "Kion?" Rani asked.

Kion fell down a ways, then grabbed a tree branch. He climbed back up.

Rani saw a gold paw grab the side of the cliff. Raja went and 'helped' his dad get up.

Kion climbed over the top. "Kion!" Rani ran and hugged him. Kion pushed her away. "Why did you push me!" Kion growled. "I-I didn't know you would fall over, I-" Kion cut her off. "I understand, you hate me. You still haven't forgiven me for what I've done in the past! This was your second time you threw me off a cliff! Well I have some news for you, we're done!" Kion stormed off. "Kion wait!" Rani tried to run after him, but Kion was to far ahead.

Rani burst into tears. "Mommy, what does 'we're done' mean? And why did daddy walk away?" Sawa asked. Rani layed there, crying. Sawa and Raja nuzzled their mom.

Kion ran away. He ran all the way back to the Pridelands. "If Rani still hasn't forgiven me, then I don't want to be her mate anymore," Kion growled. He walked up to Priderock.

"Hey Kion, what are you doing here?" Kiara asked. "Rani tried to kill me, so I'm no longer her mate," Kion growled. "But what about your cubs?" Kiara asked. "I don't care," Kion growled. He walked inside Priderock and layed down. "Where's mom and dad?" He asked. "They had to go to a ceremony in another kingdom," Kiara replied. Kion sighed and closed his eyes.

Rani was still in the same spot, crying. Sawa and Raja did everything to cheer her up, but it didn't work. "Why, why did I push him!" Rani shouted. Ananda walked up. "Rani? What's going on?" She asked. "K-Kion left," Rani cried. "What, why?" "Because, we were having a fight about Raja and Sawa, and I pushed him and he fell off the cliff. He got back up and said that we were done. I didn't mean to push him!" Rani ran to her mother and hugged her. Ananda hugged Rani back. "Oh sweety, I'm so sorry."

Abriz walked up to Kion. "Kion why are you here?" Abriz asked. "Me and Rani are no longer mates," Kion growled. "Why?" "I don't want to talk about it. Anything new here?" Kion asked. "Yeah, im mates with Tiifu now," Abriz smiled. Kion groaned. "Well, because you aren't mates with Rani, you can have Zuri," Abriz suggested. "No, I don't like Zuri," Kion rolled his eye's. "Fine," Abriz shrugged and walked away.

"Mom, I want Kion back!" Rani cried. "I know sweety, but no one can find him," Ananda replied, "We think he went back to the Pridelands." "Then that's where I'm going, Raja, Sawa, we are going to the Pridelands, daddy's home," Rani was determined to get her mate back, no matter what. Rani took Raja, and Sawa, and she ran.

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