Chapter 13: The Roles Reversed

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The roles of Kion and Rani reversed. From Kion being the killer, to Rani being the killer.

Rani has been planning all day about a way to kill Kion. Kion was still resting in his cave, but he had someone standing infront of the cave so that Rani couldn't attack, because Kion is weak from the attack Rani pulled on him.

Kion was laying on his side, trying to breath. It was a struggle, but he managed. Ananda and Sahasi came to check on him once and a while.

Rani was frustrated because she couldn't find a time when Kion was not being guarded, and she couldn't find a way painful enough to kill Kion. Then, a light bulb idea hit her. She smirked. "This will be perfect."

As it came Night, Rani snuck up on Kion's cave. She brought sleeping flowers. She held her breath has she had them in her jaws. She put one by Kion's cave, so his guard can fall asleep. After a few minutes, he blacked out. Rani smirked. She held her breath and grabbed the other sleeping flower. She walked in the cave. Kion was laying on his side, his eyes were closed and he smiled slightly. "That smile will be wiped off soon," Rani said to herself. She set the flower next to Kion's nose. She walked away a bit so she could breath and not pass out.

At the smell of the flower, Kion opened his eyes. He saw Rani at the entrance of the cave, smirking. Before he could do anything, his world went fuzzy, and he blacked out.

Rani grabbed the flower and threw it out of the cave. She smirked evilly. She grabbed Kion by the scruff, and put him in her back. "Jeez your heavy," Rani rolled her eyes. She ran out of the cave. She brought him to a cliff.

Rani waited for Kion to wake up. Once he did, Rani pushed him to the side of the cliff, making sure he held onto the edge. "Rani?" Kion was confused untill he opened his eyes fully. He was holding on for his life. "Why are you doing this!" Kion asked, trying to climb up. Rani pushed him back. "Because you raped me!" She screamed. She grabbed onto his paws. "I didn't even know I did that!" Kion shouted back. "Well, either way, you're getting your karma," Rani smirked. She threw Kion off the cliff. "Ahhh!" Kion shouted as he fell into the deep dark hole. Rani saw his face. Scared, and panicked. She stayed there, untill he completely dissapeared in the darkness. Rani walked away.

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