Chapter 3: Attack

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It has been a few weeks, and Simba was ready to attack. He led the pridelanders to the Tree Of Life, Kion by his side. "Ok Kion, I'm going to get the king and queen, you can kill anything outside," Simba ordered. Kion nodded. He ran off. Simba walked into the tree. There was a male lion, Sahasi, and female, Ananda, the lioness Simba was talking about, Rani, and another male, about 15, Baliyo. They were all sleeping. Simba approached them, and smirked.

Kion was running around, killing everything. He saw his dad walking out of the tree, covered in blood, and dragging a lioness a little younger than him, she seemed to be alive, trying to fight Simba, and get out of his grasp. Kion walked up to them. "Hey dad." "Hey son," Simba pushed Rani on her stomach, and firmly held her there, "This is Rani, the lioness I was talking about, I decided to keep her alive, incase you changed your mind." "Uh thanks dad," Kion chuckled nervously. "Let's go back to the pridelands!" Simba ordered. He had one of the lionesses carry Rani, who kept trying to fight.

They got back to priderock, Simba grabbed Rani and told Kion to follow. He brought Rani and Kion to a cave, not far from priderock. He pushed Rani to the ground. "Ok, so this is how it's gonna go, my son Kion, he gets to do whatever he wants to do with you, and if you refuse-" Rani cut him off, "What you'll kill me! At least I'd be back with my family, which you murdered!" She shouted. Simba smirked, "No, you won't get any food, or water, and once your weak enough, we will have Rhino toss you around for a while until you agree." Rani was shocked. She tried to attack Simba, but he just threw her into the wall. "I'll get a Rhino to guard you so you don't escape, I'll be leaving now son, do as you please," Simba walked out.

"So what are you going to do to me!" Rani growled. "Hmm, I don't know, what should I do," Kion smirked. Ever since he had the talk with his father, he has been wanting to mate. Rani growled and slowly stood up. "I won't let you mate me!" She growled. "No, I won't do that just yet, I want to play with you first," Kion smirked.

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