Chapter 30: Mates

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"I don't accept your apology," Macera replied. "What! Why?" Sawa asked. Macera walked closer to her. He whispered in her ear, "Because I haven't had my way with you yet." Sawa stood there, shocked. "So, Sawa, will you be my mate?" Macera asked. Sawa shreaked and jumped around. "Of course I will!" She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. Macera pinned her down. "May I?" He asked with a smirk. "Yes, do whatever you want, I'm all yours," Sawa licked his cheek.

Rani was waiting for Sawa to come back. "Kion, she hasn't come back yet I'm worried," Rani said. Kion nuzzled her. "Sawa is fine, she can take care of herself. If Macera tries to hurt her, she can take him," Kion assured his mate. Rani sighed.

"Wow, I've never mated before," Sawa said out of breath. "Neither have I, but that was fun," Macera smirked at her. They cuddled.

"Do you think my dad will be mad?" Sawa asked

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"Do you think my dad will be mad?" Sawa asked. "Not sure," Macera shrugged. "Let's keep this a secret then, but I'll stop by ever night for a 'little fun', then go home so my dad doesn't get suspicious," Sawa smirked at him. "Sounds good to me," Macera nuzzled her. Sawa licked his cheek and left.

Sawa got back to the tree. Rani ran and nuzzled her. "Mom!" Sawa complained. "Did Macera hurt you?" Kion asked. "No dad, he accepted my apology," Sawa replied. "Good, because if he tried anything, I will kill him," Kion went onto the Royal Rock and slept. Rani joined him. Sawa went to sleep, dreaming about Macera.

Raja woke up before everyone. He walked to Ailia's cave. She still shared one with her parents. He nudged her awake. "Huh?" Ailia opened her eyes. "Can I talk to you for a second?" Raja asked. Ailia nodded. They quietly snuck out of the den.

"Ailia, I am so sorry for what i did yesterday, I almost killed you and that isn't ok," Raja sighed. Ailia nuzzked him. "It's ok, I forgive you," she licked his cheek. Raja stiffened. She chuckled. "I like you Raja, a lot," Ailia confessed. "I like you too Ailia," Raja smiled. Ailia ran and pinned him down. She kissed him. "Ailia, will you be my mate?" Raja asked. "Of course," Ailia nuzzled him. They cuddled.

Kion woke up. He saw that Raja wasn't in the tree. He walked out. Kion found Raja cuddling with Ailia. "That's my boy," Kion smiled. He walked to the tree.

When Kion arrived, Sawa was throwing up, and Rani was comforting her. "What's going on?" Kion asked. "Sawa's pregnant," Rani replied. Kion growled, "Macera!" He ran out. "No dad!" Sawa shouted, but Kion was already gone.

Kion ran into Macera's den. Macera was sleeping. Kion grabbed him by the scruff, and threw him against the wall, and pinned him there. "What? King Kion!" Macera shouted. "What did you do to my daughter!" Kion asked threateningly. "N-Nothing your majesty." "Liar!" Kion slashed at Macera's face. "You got my daughter pregnant!" Kion growled. "Sawa's pregnant!" Macera asked in a whisper. "Why are you asking! You already knew, because you mated her. That's why she was home late!" Kion growled. "King Kion, I'm sorry-" Kion cut Macera off. "No your not, you took advantage of my daughter!" Kion sunk his claws into Macera's shoulder. Macera roared in pain. "No I didn't," Macera protested. Kion sunk his claws into Macera's shoulder, deeper. Macera winced in pain.

Sawa and Rani ran into Macera's cave. Kion had him pinned against the wall, sinking his claws into Macera's shoulder. "Dad stop!" Sawa ran to Kion. "No, Macera took advantage of you!" Kion growled. "Oh your one to talk, you did the same thing to mom!" Sawa shouted. Kion froze. Macera was confused. "Sawa, I was cursed! I didn't mean to!" Kion growled. "I don't care!" Sawa replied, "Dad, Macera didn't take advantage of me. He had my consent. I let him mate me! And if you kill Macera, your taking away my mate!" "He's your mate!" Kion shouted. "Yes dad, he is," Sawa replied. Kion growled at Macera and let go of him. Macera dropped to the floor.

"Sawa, I'm so sorry, it's just hard so see you grow up," Kion shed a few tears and hugged Sawa. "It's ok dad," Sawa smiled. Kion turned to Macera. "I am so sorry, you are a good lion, you have my blessing," Kion said. Macera smiled. Kion walked up to Rani, and nuzzled her.

"Dad, can I move in with Macera?" Sawa asked. "Yes you can," Kion smiled. Raja and Ailia walked in. "We heard arguing. What's going on?" Raja asked. "Your sister is pregnant, and is now living with Macera," Rani said. "Wasn't expecting that," Raja shrugged, "I also have news, me and Ailia are mates." "That's wonderful," Rani hugged her son. Kion nuzzled him. "Let's all meet at the tree for a family dinner," Kion suggested. They all nodded.

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