Chapter 14: Is He Alive?

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Kion kept falling. He saw Rani watching him, a winning smile on her face. She walked away. Kion kept falling and falling. He had no idea when he would hit the ground.

Suddenly, Kion felt a hard impact. He heard a crack, and the breath got knocked out of him. He blacked out.

There was male lion walking around his territory, when he saw a gold lion falling. The golden lion with a fire red mane hit the ground. The lion heard a Crack. He walked over to the lion. The gold lion seemed dead, but he saw a small breath from the gold lion.

(The male lion that lives in the canyons name is Ekon)

(The male lion that lives in the canyons name is Ekon)

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(Ekon 17, Ekon means, "Strong")

Ekon walked closer to the gold lion. He grabbed him by the scruff, and put him on his back. He walked him back to his pride.

Ekon's pride was made of two lionesses, and three males, that includes himself. Ekon set Kion down. "Who is that honey?" A lioness asked. "I don't know, but he fell from the cliff and I think he blacked out," Ekon explained. "Why does he look so, weird. He isn't dark furred like us," One of the males asked. Ekon shrugged.

(Akili 16, Akili means, "Bright, Smart" Akili is Ekon's mate)

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(Akili 16, Akili means, "Bright, Smart" Akili is Ekon's mate)

(Akili 16, Akili means, "Bright, Smart" Akili is Ekon's mate)

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(Almasi 15, Almasi means, "Diamond")

(Almasi 15, Almasi means, "Diamond")

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(Altan 18, Altan means, "Golden")

(Prudence 18, Prudence means, "Good Judgement")

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(Prudence 18, Prudence means, "Good Judgement")

"Not sure why he is like that," Ekon replied. "Is he dangerous," Akili asked walking closer to her mate, Ekon. "Hmm, let's wait for him to wake up, then we will find out," Ekon replied. "Should we patrol more? Incase there are more like him?" Prudence asked. Ekon nodded. Akili nuzzled him.

Kion woke up. There were two lionesses looking at him. He tried to stand, but he felt something in his back. "ROOOOAAAAARRRR!" Kion roared in pain. "Ahh!" The lionesses screamed and backed away. Kion saw three males standing defensively infront of the lionesses. Kion winced in pain. A lion that looked about his age with gray fur walked up to him. "Who are you?" The lion asked. "Prince Kion, of the Pridelands, now living at the Tree Of Life," Kion grunted, "Who are you?" "I'm Ekon, this is Akili, my mate, Almasi, Prudence, and Altan," Ekon replied. Kion's head fell back down. "You ok?" Ekon asked. "My back," Kion groaned. Ekon looked at Almasi. Almasi nodded. She walked toward Kion, and flipped him over on his stomach. Kion roared in pain again. "Stop being a wimp," Almasi rolled her eyes. Kion grunted in pain. Almasi felt Kion's back. Kion roared in pain again. "Yep, it's shattered, and his legs are broken. I would also suggest not breathing so hard, the impact might have damaged your lungs," Almasi said. "No, I need to get back to the Tree Of Life!" Kion shouted. He tried to stand but fell. "Sorry Kion, but you can't you can't even stand," Altan replied. Kion growled. "Ahh!" Almasi ran from Kion. Kion raised an eyebrow, "Your scared of a growl?" "We aren't aggressive lions Kion," Ekon said. "Yeah, I got that," Kion said sarcastically. Kion let his head fall down on the ground. He sighed. "Rani, you are the worst, and as soon as I get out of here, you'll regret throwing me off this cliff!" Kion shouted.

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