Chapter 19: Evil Rani

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When Rani smelled the flower, it took over her brain. Rani was now, evil. She smirked evilly. She walked to her cave.

Kion was laying down waiting for Rani. He decided to talk to Ananda and Sahasi. He walked to the tree. Baliyo was also there. They all started talking.

Rani didn't find Kion in the cave, so she went to the tree. She was walking like an army soldier.

She arrived at the Tree. Baliyo, Kion, Ananda, and Sahasi were there. Kion turned around. "Hey Rani," He smiled and walked over to her. Rani pushed him away. "Rani?" Kion asked. Rani growled. They all walked towards her. Rani extended her claws and put them against her stomach. "Come any closer and I kill the cubs!" Rani threatened. Everyone was shocked. Kion didn't want his cubs killed, and he didn't want Rani to hurt herself. He pushed them back. "Rani are you ok?" Ananda asked. Rani growled at her. "Maybe she's having anger problems," Ananda suggested. "Even if she was, she wouldn't go so far to threaten to kill her cubs," Sahasi replied. Rani kept her claws to her stomach. "Rani why are you acting like this?" Kion asked. Rani started clawing her stomach. Kion ran toward Rani and pinned her. He held her arms down. He looked at her stomach. "She didn't go deep enough to get the cubs," Kion said. It's just fur deep." Everyone sighed. Rani growled at Kion.

"Kion keep her there, we will try to figure out what's going on," Ananda said. Kion nodded. "Be quick, she's getting relentless." They nodded.

Rani threw Kion off her. Kion slammed into a wall. Rani stood up. She growled at them, and ran out. "Get her!" Sahasi shouted. They all ran after Rani.

"Jeez for being pregnant, she is fast," Baliyo gasped for breath. "I've got it," Kion bolted ahead of them. "Wait," Kion stopped. Everyone crashed into him. "We can't pin her down. It will hurt the cubs," Kion said. "Oh crap your righr," Sahasi sighed. "I know what to do, follow me!" Kion said.

They ran to the side of Rani, and ahead, making sure she didn't see them. "Quick, grab some vines!" Kion shouted. They did. "Ok now just run in circles, intertwining them!" Kion ordered.

Once it was web shaped, Kion grabbed an end, and climbed up a tree. He tied it. He did the same to the other side. "Quick hide!" Everyone hid. A few seconds later, Rani came. She crashed into the vines, and got tangled. They ran up to her, and grabbed her. "Let me go!" Rani growled. Kion grabbed her by the scruff. They brought her back to the tree.

"I think I know what going on," Ananda said. "What?" "She smelled a toxic flower," Ananda said. "What's the cure?" Kion asked. "We need a dandelion," Ananda replied. Baliyo ran out. "Just like her favorite song," Kion chuckled. Ananda nodded.

They force fed the dandelion to Rani. Rani shook her head. "Oh hey guys," She smiled. Kion kissed her. "Let's go," Kion and Rani walked out and went to their cave.

Rani and Kion nuzzled.

During the night, Rani felt something in her stomach. "K-Kion?" She stampered. Kion didn't answer. "KION!" Rani screamed from pain. Kion woke up with a jump. "What's wrong?" Kion asked. "The cubs are coming you moron!" Rani screamed.

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