Chapter 22: Scars

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Rani woke up screaming. The cubs were kicking, and it hurt horribly. She looked for anything to claw. She saw Kion next to her. She didn't even think. She just clawed down his sides and legs. "Ahhh!" Rani was crying in pain. Kion woke up to sharp claws in his skin. He noticed it was Rani, he roared in pain. It seemed Rani didn't noticed. She was in to much pain. Rani clawed his chest.

After a few minutes, the pain stopped. Rani's head fell in exhaustion. Kion grunted in pain. Rani lifted her head. "Sorry Kion," She apologized. "Hey, if your in pain, do whatever you want to me ok? I don't care what you do to me, as long as it makes you feel batter," Kion kissed Rani. "Your so caring Kion," Rani kissed him back. She started licking the claw marks she gave him. Kion winced in pain.

Rani and Kion walked out of the den. They met up with Ananda and Sahasi. They all planned on going on a walk together.

"Hey mom," Rani hugged her. "Hi Rani," Ananda hugged her back. Rani nuzzled Sahasi. "Let's go." They started their walk. Rani leaned on Kion.

They all looked at the scenery. "I love living here," Ananda smiled. Rani started screaming. She pushed Kion to the ground and clawed him. "Rani what are you doing?" Ananda asked. She was about to get Rani off Kion, when Kion stopped her. "Don't, she is using me to get rid of her pain," Kion grunted. She nodded. Rani clawed his legs. Kion roared in pain. She went for his face. Blood was everywhere. Rani took a deep breath, and stopped clawing Kion. She got off him and layed down. Kion got up and groaned. He looked where he had just was, and there was a puddle of blood. Then he looked at himself. "Oh jeez," His fur was glistening red with blood. He nuzzled Rani. Rani was taking deep breaths. "Kion you good?" Sahasi asked. "Yeah totally fine," Kion nodded. He layed next to Rani. Rani nuzzled him. She smiled slightly.

"Should we get something for you Kion? Your losing a lot of blood," Ananda asked. "I'll take Kion to get something to help him, you stay with Rani," Sahasi replied. Kion and Sahasi walked away.

Ananda went next to Rani. "Want me to sing your song?" Ananda asked. "Yes," Rani nuzzled next to her mom. Ananda started stroking Rani's cheek with her tail.

Rani smiled. She loved when her mom sang for her. It always calmed her down. She nuzzled closer to her mother.

Sahasi took Kion to a lake. Kion walked in and cleaned off. He walked out. He shook the water out of his fur. "Your a good lion," Sahasi said. Kion raised an eyebrow. "Your letting my daughter hurt you to get rid of her pain. Your caring, and your perfect for my daughter," Sahasi nuzzled Kion. "Thank you," Kion smiled. They walked back to Rani and Ananda.

They saw Rani cuddled by Ananda, and Ananda was singing to her. Rani didn't seem to be in pain. Kion nuzzled her. Rani smiled at him, and licked his cheek.

They continued their walk.

At the end of the day, Kion and Rani said goodbye to Sahasi and Ananda. They went to their cave.

Rani nuzzled up next to Kion. Kion smiled. Right when they were about to go to sleep, Rani screamed. "Rani?" Kion asked. "The cubs!" Rani shouted. Kion grabbed Rani and brought her to the tree. Ananda and Sahasi hadn't gone to sleep yet.

Kion burst into the tree. "Rani!" He shouted. They knew what was happening. Kion set Rani on the rock. He, Sahasi, and Baliyo were forced out.

Kion paced back and forth. He was worried he would lose the cub or cubs again.

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