Chapter 9: Battle To War

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"As soon as we get Rani back," Simba said, "You mate her, got it Kion. I know you haven't yet." Kion nodded. They charged into the pass, only to be stopped by Sahasi, Ananda, Baliyo, Rani, Surak, and Nirmala.

"How are you alive!" Simba growled. "Your not good at getting the job done," Sahasi mocked. Simba charged Sahasi, Nala went for Ananda, and Abriz went for Baliyo. Rani glared at Kion. "I see you've escaped," Kion said in a threatening tone. "Yes, and your going to die," Rani replied. Suddenly, she was pinned by a lion. Kion approached her, "No, I won't die, but your coming with me," He grabbed Rani by the scruff, and snuck away from the war.

Rani tried to claw him, but Kion didn't even wince. "Let me go!" She screamed. Kion did. "What is wrong with you!" Rani growled. "I don't know, I just love to kill," Kion smirked. "You are a psychopath," Rani said. "Possibly," Kion shrugged. Rani scoffed, "I'm not weak anymore, you can't have your way with me!" She shouted. Kion raised an eyebrow, "Ohhh, you thought I brought you here for that!" He laughed, "No, I don't really care for that, I brought you here to get you away from the war." "But what about what you said?" Rani asked. "That was for my dad," Kion replied. He was lying. He wanted Rani to think he was a good lion. "Oh," Rani was buying his lie. Kion laughed, "Ha your so predictable, I can't believe you are falling for my lies!" Rani was shocked. Before she could run, Kion pinned her down and whispered in her ear, "This will be fun." He started mating her.

Rani was crying. She wasn't enjoying this at all, but Kion was. Rani tried to claw him, but was to weak. Kion finished.

Kion smirked at her. Rani layed there crying. "That was fun," Kion said. "No it wasnt!" Rani screamed. Kion shrugged. Rani pinned Kion down, "You claw me, I will rape you again," Kion smirked. Rani quickly got off him. "If you try to run away, know that I am stronger and faster. I will catch up to you, then I will mate you," Kion gave an evil smile. Rani was scared. She stayed still. Suddenly, Kion was knocked out by Baliyo.

"Baliyo!" Rani cried and hugged him. "Did he hurt you?" Baliyo asked. Rani burst into tears, "H-He raped me!" "Rani, Kion and his dad have been cursed by something, we need to heal them so they are back normal," Baliyo explained, "We have knocked out Simba and Nala because we think Nala might be cursed too. We assume it was a flower they smelled. Kiara didn't have it, and is in the Pridelands." Rani was shocked, but relieved that Kion wasn't an actual murderer, because she thought he was pretty hot. "What about Abriz?" Rani asked, "He seemed to be the exact way Kion was acting." "We will check him out too," They dragged Kion's unconscious body into the tree.

Simba, Nala, and Abriz were already there, unconscious as well. Rani and Baliyo set Kion next to them. Janna put her paw on the roots, then on each of their bodies. They woke up. "Ow my head," Kion complained. "Uhh where am I?" Kion asked panicked. Simba, Nala, and Abriz started to panic too. "Your in the Tree Of Life, you were cursed," Ananda explained. "Simba, you tried to kill me, Ananda, and Baliyo," Sahasi said. Simba was shocked, "Then you tried forcing Kion to mate Rani." Simba was shocked. "Kion, you raped Rani," Baliyo said. Rani looked down sad. "WHAT NO!" Kion shouted, "TELL ME ITS A LIE!" "No Kion, its not," Baliyo said. Kion looked at Rani. He had raped an innocent lioness because of a curse. He looked at his parents, and they had sorrow in their eyes. Rani was crying. "Wait, Kion raped you?" Ananda asked in panic. Rani nodded, "It was while you were at war with Simba." Ananda and Sahasi growled at Kion, "How DARE you rape our daughter!" Sahasi yelled in rage. "I-I didn't mean to, I didn't know-" Sahasi cut Kion off, "Cursed or not cursed, you raped our daughter, you are not welcome here!" Kion was shocked, and sad. "No wait!" Rani shouted. Sahasi looked at her Rani confused. "Don't exhile him from here," Rani said. "Why," Ananda asked, "He raped you." "I-I uh, I like him," Rani stampered. Kion was flabbergasted. "How can you like someone who kidnapped you, tortured you, then raped you!" Sahasi yelled. "It wasn't his fault!" Rani protested, "Please dad." Sahasi looked into his daughters eyes, "Ok, Kion you are welcome here anytime." Kion was still processing that Rani liked him. Rani walked up to Kion, "I'd like you to stay, if that's ok?" "Uh sure," Kion smiled. Rani ran up and kissed him. Everyone was shocked, especially Kion. Rani let go of their kiss, and gave him a flirty look.

Kion and Rani: The War By A CurseWhere stories live. Discover now