Chapter 24: Angry Mom

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Kion and Rani were sleeping in their cave with their cubs. Sawa woke up. She woke up Raja. "Sawa what's going on?" He asked. "Shh, follow me," Sawa smiled. They jumped out of Rani's arms.

They started clumsily walking toward the cave entrance. Suddenly, their tails were pinned to the ground. They turned around. "Dad!" Raja squeaked. Kion raised an eyebrow, "Where are you two off at so early in the morning?" "Exploring," Sawa smiled. Kion looked at Rani. "Your mother is still sleeping, quickly hop on my back!" Kion instructed. He layed down so Sawa and Raja could get on his back. Kion walked out.

"What are we doing daddy?" Sawa asked. "Exploring," Kion winked at her. Raja and Sawa smiled. "So where are we gonna go?" Raja asked. "Well, what do you want to see?" Kion asked. "Hmm, what's the biggest thing here?" Sawa asked. "Elephants." "I want to see an Elephant!" Sawa shouted. "Ok, hang on!" Kion started running. Raja and Sawa held onto Kion's small mane.

They arrived at the savanna. "Woah!" Raja said shocked. Kion chuckled. He walked toward an Elephant. "Is that an Elephant!" Sawa asked. "Yes it is," Kion smiled at his daughter. "It is HUGE!" Raja shouted. Suddenly, they heard a noise behind them. "Run daddy!" Raja shouted. There was a leopard. "Cubs, stay here," Kion instructed. He set his cubs down and charged at the leopard.

Raja and Sawa watched their dad fight. The leopard pinned him down, and Kion pushed him off. Kion sliced his neck, and killed the leopard. He walked over to Raja and Sawa. "That was awesome daddy!" Sawa said. "No it wasnt," they turned around to see Rani.

"Kion how could you take our cubs outside, and then put them in danger!" Rani shouted. "Rani, I caught them trying to go out alone. They need to know what the outside world is like," Kion replied. "They are 1 day old Kion!" Rani growled. She grabbed Raja and Sawa a stormed off to their den.

"Little overprotective," Kion mumbled. "I'm not overprotective!" Rani shouted. Kion's eyes shot open. "She heard me?" He whispered. "I'm not deaf like you!" Rani shouted. Kion was shocked. He followed Rani to their cave.

Before Kion could walk in, Rani stopped him. "Your aren't coming in here," she growled. "But their my cubs too, and this is also my cave," Kion replied. "I can't trust you around Raja and Sawa. They almost got killed today!" Rani growled. Kion walked away from the den.

"Mommy, is daddy ok?" Raja asked. "Yes daddy is fine," Rani forced a smile. "Mommy, how did you and daddy meet?" Sawa asked. Rani froze. She couldn't tell her cubs that Kion kidnapped her, then tortured her, then raped her. "Uhh, hunting," Rani replied. "Oh ok," Sawa cuddled next to her mom. "Why isn't daddy here?" Raja asked. "He's uh, not feeling well," Rani replied. "And you don't want to get sick do you," she started tickling his paws. "Ha ha ha, mommy stop," Raja giggled. Rani nuzzled him.

"Seriously! I can't be around my cubs because I brought them outside!" Kion scoffed. He walked around looking for something to do.

A couple hours passed, and Rani was sleeping. "Cmon Raja!" Sawa said. She jumped out of Rani's grasp. "Where are you going Sawa?" Raja asked. "Exploring, we didn't get to see everything," Sawa walked out, and Raja followed.

The two cubs were walking around. "Look at that tree!" Raja exclaimed. "Yeah it's got a weird face on it!" Sawa laughed. They kept walking.

Rani woke up. She didn't see Raja or Sawa. "Kion!" She growled. She ran out.

Rani found Kion drinking from a lake. She tackled him. "Where are Raja and Sawa!" She demanded. "I thought they were with you!" Kion replied. "I thought you took them!" Rani shouted. They gasped. Rani jumped off Kion. "RAJA, SAWA!" They shouted in unison. "How could you let them leave without you!" Kion shouted while running. "I fell asleep ok! Being a mother is tiring, especially because I just gave birth yesterday!" Rani shouted back. "You still shouldn't have fallen asleep!" Kion said. "At least I'm not the one who put them in danger!" Rani growled. "We were just exploring!" Kion shouted. "Yeah, exploring how to die!" "I was there to protect them!" Kion growled. "Still you put our cubs in danger!" Rani shouted. Kion stopped running. Rani crashed into him. She looked where Kion was looking. "RAJA, SAWA!" Rani screamed.

To be continued....

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