Chapter 6: Starvation

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Kion and Abriz walked back to the cave. They had caught a gazelle for Rani. "Hey princess, we got food for you!" Kion shouted. Rani looked up and scoffed. She looked away, "I'd rather die than take food from you." "I'll have to mate you then," Kion smirked. He approached Rani. "No No No, I'll eat it!" She started eating the gazelle. Abriz chuckled, "Rani, not that I'm saying your dumb, but either way we are mating you." Rani stopped eating, "I'm not eating, I don't care if I get thrown by a Rhino, I'm not taking anything from you," She scoffed. "Suit yourself princess," Kion shrugged. "My name is Rani, not princess." "And......?" Kion asked. "I'll rip your throat out if you call me that again," Rani growled. "Did you hear that Abriz?" Kion asked, "She thinks she's stronger than me, and thinks she has the power to threaten me." "That was a big mistake Rani," Abriz said. They approached Rani. Rani backed up. Kion jumped on her back, and clawed till her back was glistening red with blood. Abriz went under her and clawed her stomach. Rani was screaming in pain. "It's either this, or mating, you choose," Kion said getting off her back. Rani groaned, "I'd rather mate." Kion's ears perked up. He and Abriz left.

Rani sat there, bleeding, and cold. She never felt more alone. She heard Kion and Abriz saying they were planning on mating her tomorrow. She cried softly. "Mom, dad, Baliyo, why is this happening to me!" Rani started to feel weird. She hadn't eaten or had anything to drink in two days. She tried to stand up, but in the process, collapsed, going into a coma.

A few hours later, Kion and Abriz decided to check on Rani. The Rhino let them pass. They walked in to see Rani sleeping. "That's a weird way to sleep," Abriz said. "Yeah." Kion tried to shake her awake, but nothing. "Is she dead?" Abriz asked. Kion listened to her heart. "No, she must be pretending to sleep," Kion said. "I've got an idea," Abriz smirked, "Hey Rani, if you don't get up, I'll mate you while you sleep!" Rani didn't wake up. "Somethings wrong, if she was conscious, she would have jumped up!" Kion shouted. He grabbed Rani by the scruff, and threw her on his back. He and Abriz ran to Rafiki's tree.

"Rafiki!" Kion shouted. Rafiki looked down from his tree. "Yes Kion and Abriz?" He asked. "We need help." Rafiki jumped down, and Kion set Rani down on the ground. Rafiki felt her heart beat, and inspected her. "She's in a coma," Rafiki said. "What!" Kion shouted. "If you were planning on mating her, don't, she could die if you do," Rafiki warned. Kion and Abriz nodded. They took Rani back to the cave.

"Man there goes our chance, who knows when she'll wake up!" Abriz shouted. "Let's just leave her here, then check every hour and see if she's alive," Kion said. Abriz nodded.

Rani's Coma:

Rani was walking around. She had no idea where she was. Then she saw her mother. "MOM!" She screamed and ran up to her, and nuzzled her. "Mom they are trying to make me mate with two lions, Kion and Abriz, they are hot, but they keep torturing me," she cried. "Oh my dear, it's ok," Ananda said. "But what if they mate me while I'm in, whatever this place is!" Rani cried. "They won't Rani, it doesn't seem like it, but they respect you," Ananda replied. "I don't care, I never want to go back, I want to stay here with you." "Rani you can't, you don't want to be dead. I would like to see you having a good life alive. Have a mate, a few cubs, I want to see my baby grow up," Ananda nuzzled her. "Mom, I don't have a good life right now, I'm being tortured, and soon raped," Rani cried. "Rani, remember this, there will always be a rainbow around every corner," Ananda started to fade away, "What seems bad now, will be nothing." Ananda dissapeared, and Rani woke up.

Kion and Abriz walked into the den. It had been 3 days since Rani fell in her coma. She was still laying there, unmoving. They sat down. Then, Rani started to shift, and she woke up. "Are you ok?" Kion asked. Rani scoffed, "Why are you asking, your just going to mate me, then probably kill me." "Fine, we brought you food and water," Kion said. "Uh thanks," Rani replied. She started drinking, the taste was amazing. Rani had forgotten what water tasted like. Kion and Abriz watched her eat and drink. Rani thought of an idea, she stopped eating.

Rani looked up from her food, and smirked. She seductively walked toward Kion. "Uh what are you doing!" Kion shouted.

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