Chapter 27: Coronation

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Kion and Rani stood on the crowning rock. Raja and Sawa were with Sahasi and Ananda. Rafiki put a 'V' on Kion's head, and a rainbow shape on Rani's. "King Kion and Queen Rani!" Rafiki shouted. The animals cheered. Rani and Kion smirked at each other.

"You guys are going to do great," Ananda nuzzled Rani and Kion. "We aren't going to be as good as you, but thank you," Kion smiled. "No, your going to do better than us," Sahasi smiled. Kion and Rani nuzzled them.

Sawa and Raja ran up to Kion and Rani. "Mommy, Daddy! What are those things on your head?" Raja asked. "They show that we are king and queen sweety," Rani nuzzled Raja. They smiled. Kion, Rani, Sawa, Raja, Ananda, and Sahasi walked into the tree. "I am kinda nervous," Kion said. "Why sweety?" Rani asked. "Well, I never though I'd be king, and taking care of all these animals is stressful," Kion replied. Rani kissed him, "Your going to be fine." Ananda and Sahasi chuckled.

After a few hours of talking, Sawa and Raja started to get tired. "We better get them to sleep," Rani chuckled. Kion and Rani picked up their cubs, and brought them to their cave. Rani and Kion cuddled. Sawa and Raja were in Rani and Kion's arms. Kion nuzzmed Rani, and they fell asleep.

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