Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 Five Crisp Candies

    After a happy weekend, Jiang Susu was depressed again after returning to school.

    As soon as I arrived at school, I thought of the bloody plot.


    The little girl hurriedly opened the mirror and took a picture, Wuwu fairies can't be bald!

    "Wuwususu, can you help me distribute the test papers, my stomach hurts~"

    Xiao Keyan is the representative of the Chinese class. She went to the office early in the morning to collect the test papers and distribute them, but there are still more than ten minutes before class starts. If you don't post it, it will be too late!

    "Ah? Okay, hurry up." Jiang Susu took the stack of test papers in a soft voice, urging her to leave quickly.

    Because the class has not yet started, many students did not come to call their names at the podium, so this point generally has to be posted one by one.

    She got up early today and braided a beautiful princess head, delicate yet lively.

    After tidying up the test papers, Jiang Susu circulated the test papers in the classroom.

    In a short while to the last few.

    "Little fat——"

    "Here, let me see how many points!"

    Jiang Susu smiled, without commenting on his score, and handed over the test paper directly.

    The last one is...Chu Shenbai's.

    Unlike the little boys in the back row, Chu Shenbai could be considered a high-quality academic bully if he didn't have the title of a school bully boss.

    It's a pity that the reputation of the school bully's boss is louder than his excellent grades.

    There were still ten minutes before the class started, and none of the big and tall people in the back row of the classroom showed up, only Chu Shenbai sat idly in his seat with his eyes closed and rested.

    "Chu Shenbai, your test paper." The

    boy closed his eyes, and she lowered her voice subconsciously.

    There were still two steps away from his desk, but suddenly, there was a slight commotion from the crowd outside the classroom door.

    The students in Class 7 subconsciously watched the excitement, and so did Jiang Susu.

    Unexpectedly, as soon as she turned her head while holding the paper, the people in the classroom suddenly turned to look at her inexplicably.

    There are schadenfreude and the excitement of watching the excitement.

    Just when she was puzzled, a figure appeared at the front door.

    It was Shen Zhehan.

    "Student, call Ruan Ya for me." The boy with a cold face called someone from Class 7 to help.

    In the morning, although there were many people who were rushing homework and couldn't care less to watch the excitement, it happened that when he spoke, the surroundings happened to be very quiet. When he spoke, Jiang Susu could hear him clearly from the back door.

    Before she could even react, her consciousness was locked.

    The serene smile disappeared instantly, and the paper in 'Jiang Susu''s hand suffered an indiscriminate disaster.

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