Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

    Since Shen Zhehan and he signed up for the same event, Pei Xia and the others began to run with Chu Shenbai every day after school. Chu Shenbai, who hadn't planned to practice more, had no choice but to practice more.

    Every day when Jiang Susu and Xiao Keyan leave school after school, they can see a group of people who are preparing for the school sports meeting. Every time they meet the big and tall people in their class, they will say hello and leave.

    Except for teasing her that day, Chu Shenbai took her milk again the next day, and she could touch her fingertips inadvertently every day.

    However, it has been very quiet recently, and the plot has not been triggered until the start of the school sports meeting.

    Speaking of the plot, Shen Zhehan and Ruan danced pas de deux. They would go to the rehearsal room together every day. The more chances they had to touch, the more intimate they seemed.

    Occasionally, someone made fun of the couple, and someone observed Jiang Susu's expression, but she and the three people next to her continued to chat indifferently as if they hadn't heard it.

    Speaking of which, since Jiang Susu sat at the table in front of Chu Shenbai, the two of them were often seen chatting and laughing.

    Wasn't Chu Shenbai unreasonable in the past?

    As a result, some rumors emerged.

    But soon, the school sports meeting came.

    The day before, the class leader led the class committee members to distribute the clothes. The others wore uniform red dresses and suits. Only Jiang Susu, who was holding a placard, wore a dress that dragged the floor.

    Many people took it and replaced it, Jiang Susu and Xiao Keyan also went.

    Clothes is a niche clothing brand. It has cooperated with Jiamu High School for several years. Every time there is a large-scale unified clothing activity, some design drawings will be released, and they will be produced in batches after each class is selected.

    Class 7 this time focuses on the gorgeous style. The red skirt is a fishtail design, while Jiang Susu's trailing skirt is layered with smoky gray gauze. If you are a little fatter, you will look bloated.

    But fortunately, when Jiang Susu changed her skirt and went back to the classroom, the class committee members immediately felt relieved.

    On the way to change the skirt, she carried the skirts on both sides by herself. Xiao Keyan helped to carry the skirt. I don't know if it is too gorgeous or she is amazing. Many people in the passing class are looking at her.

    The girls in the class quickly surrounded her and praised her, Jiang Susu bent her lips and smiled for a while, then returned to the table with Xiao Keyan.

    Chu Shenbai looked at her lazily with his chin in his hand, and she smiled softly, "Chu Shenbai, do you look good?"

    She didn't have a beautiful braid today, and the tail of her long hair was slightly curled. There is a pearl hair clip, but it matches the dress surprisingly.

    He raised his eyes with a smile, "Well, it looks good."

    His casual words made her happier than a group of people praised her.

    Suddenly, Jiang Susu's face became hot, she smiled slightly and pulled Xiao Keyan to change the skirt.

    He looked at her back in a hurry, feeling inexplicably happy.

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