Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

    When she leaves the examination room at the end of each subject, she can see her parents and him at a glance.

    The two of them didn't dare to talk too much in front of their parents, they could only look at each other secretly and smile occasionally.

    The college entrance examination was over, and Jiang's family went to the restaurant for dinner that night, to celebrate her completion of the college entrance examination.

    On the second day, Jiang Susu was directly dragged by Xiao Keyan to watch a show abroad. Later, she went around with a group of little sisters. She didn't return home with her suitcase until two days before the results were due.

    The Jiang family's car came slowly,? She looked down at the phone, why didn't he reply to the message for a long time, did he go to the Chu family to help again.

    After the college entrance examination,? He was forced to go to the company by Chu's father,? Busy every day, dizzy,? Occasionally, she couldn't help but feel sorry for him when she watched him tired in the video.

    "Susu, look who is at the door." The black low-key car slowly approached Jiang's house, and Lao Chen suddenly said with a smile.

    Jiang Susu raised her eyes inadvertently, but saw someone standing lazily in front of Jiang's gate.

    She moved her heart slightly and told Lao Chen to stop at the door.

    He's not too hot either.

    Chu Shenbai saw the Jiang family's car early on, and the car slowly stopped in front of him. He raised his eyes and smiled, and quietly looked at the girl walking towards him.

    He follows Father Chu around the company every day, and the only thing that makes him happy every day is when he has video calls with her.

    Or the landscape photos she took every time she went,? Occasionally, Xiao Keyan took photos of her.

    "Chu Shenbai!"

    But it was not as good as she was standing in front of him, walking towards him with crooked eyebrows and eyes.

    He took her suitcase with a smile, and the two walked into Jiang's house together.

    "Are you willing to come back?"

    Jiang Susu scolded him with a look, "I'm afraid my boyfriend will miss me."

    He held her shoulders with indulgence in his eyes, "Thinking about it every day, I finally look forward to her coming back."

    Jiang's parents are still at work, and there is no one at home.

    She pulled him to sit on the sofa and showed him all kinds of things she bought abroad.

    Even pretty little hair accessories,? She tried to ask him one by one if they looked good, and he looked at them patiently with a smile and nodded one by one.

    The two chatted about what was there and what was not, Jiang's parents came back and kept Chu Shenbai for a meal, and the two went out for a walk and made an appointment to watch a movie tomorrow.

    "What movie shall we watch tomorrow?"

    "What do you like to watch, light-hearted romance movie?"

    She smiled: "I read that boys like horror movies when they watch movies for the first time."

    Chu Shenbai rubbed her "My little girl is so timid, I'm afraid she will be frightened."

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