Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

    The new project definitely cannot cooperate with the Shen family.

    Jiang Susu frowned, thinking in distress how to increase the disgust value of the Shen family in front of her parents.

    She was sitting alone in the classroom, the tears on her low face had already dried up.

    As time went by, some students came back to the classroom one after another, Jiang Susu pursed her lips, adjusted her mood and regained the sparkling tenderness in her eyes, it was not at all obvious that she was crying.

    Xiao Keyan, who came back from playing in a hurry, looked as usual, and she directly brought a bottle of jasmine honey tea to her: "I just bought you a bottle of drink when I was thirsty."

    Jiang Susu suppressed her eyes and said softly: "I love you, love you ~"

    Seeing that she was in a better mood, Xiao Keyan smiled and told her some interesting things that happened just now.

    Jiang Susu always cheered, and she smiled with her eyes pressed down after a while.

    Chu Shenbai, who came in from the back door of the classroom, glanced at him, and his smiling fair face flashed before his eyes.

    She recovered quickly.


    That night, Jiang’s father and Jiang’s mother said that they came back late, and indeed they came back very late.

    Jiang Susu was full of food and drink, playing with her mobile phone on the sofa, and found that her classmates hadn't joined Chu Shenbai for two years.

    Although... Jiang Susu was a little guilty when she sent the friend request.

    Doesn't she have an ulterior motive? Humph!

    One second, two seconds... One minute passed, and there was still no one more person on the list.

    Jiang Susu pursed her lips and put away the phone.

    The girls in the class spoke well, but Chu Shenbai was really hard to say!

    The girls in Class 7 all know that Chu Shenbai is notoriously difficult to make friends, except for serious reasons, he hardly adds others for small talk.

    Girls always like to gossip, and the result of so many girls discussing together is that Chu Shenbai has been set up as a difficult person to contact.

    Coupled with Chu Shenbai's school bully younger brother, it's even harder to get in touch with.



    "Don't worry, I told Tangtang in the morning not to wait." "I'm

    afraid that the child will be stubborn——"

    "Tangtang?!" The

    little girl turned her head on the sofa with her slippers drooping. Looking at Mom and Dad with a smile, listening carefully, I could hear Dad muttering 'Look, I knew Tangtang wouldn't listen'.

    Jiang Susu laughed softly: "Mom and Dad have worked hard, have you had dinner yet?"

    Mother Jiang rubbed her head and said softly, "I've already eaten outside, it's a social gathering."

    Because there was only one little girl in the family, The Jiang family couple used to carry the little girl on their backs for candlelight dinners, but when they returned home, they found the little girl was pissed off, and she would bury her in her mother's arms and act like a spoiled child.

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