Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 Six Crisp Candies

    "Morning, Susu."



    "Susu is out of class, where are you going? Do you want me to accompany you     ?


The person who said hello never stopped.

    It is difficult for her to reject other people's personality. When people greet her with a smile, she always responds with a smile.

    So much so that her face was frozen with laughter along the way.

    Jiang Susu's usual popularity is good, but after being controlled by the plot, her original popularity has almost lost.

    It's really not because of herself that she is so enthusiastic today whether she knows people or not.

    This morning, my parents told her that their family has discussed a big project, and they will be very busy recently, so there is no need to wait for them to come back for dinner.

    Big project...

    She understood it as soon as she heard it. It turned out to be a project that made countless people covetous in the dream.

    Well, today is bound to have a plot or two.

    The nature of Jiang's project is different from ordinary commercial projects. With Guo Jia's support, this project will go smoothly. After the project is completed, Guo Jia's good touch will undoubtedly give the green light for future development.

    There are no secrets among wealthy families, and Jiang Susu only found out this morning, but when she came to school, she discovered that she might be the last one to know about this project.

    The importance of this project is probably because Shen Zhehan hates her as a female supporting role so much, so he has to endure his impatience and ask her to help.

    She remembered clearly that in the dream, Shen Zhehan just called her out indifferently, and spoke directly without concealing his purpose.

    But the self in the dream happily agreed. She didn't understand the project at all and didn't know how important it was. When she got back that day, she argued with her parents to let Shen's family join. If she didn't agree, she would cry and go on a hunger strike.

    As we all know, she is the only daughter in the Jiang family, and she is usually pampered like a little princess. Although she is usually well-behaved and calm, no one will provoke her.

    "Susu, come quickly! Shen Zhehan is here to find you!"

    A kind female classmate pulled her familiarly, telling her that Shen Zhehan was in the classroom, while secretly saying: "Shen Zhehan is usually only nice to Ruan Ya, today he It's really abnormal..." The

    female student didn't point it out directly, but everyone could understand what she didn't finish.

    It was to tell Jiang Susu not to say good things to the Shen family just because of Shen Zhehan's softening attitude.

    Many students were told by their parents the night before that they should go and establish a good relationship with Jiang's daughter, preferably to the extent that they can mention it in front of her parents.

    Compared with the elegant Jiang father and the elegant Jiang mother, Jiang Susu is much easier to break through than her parents who don't like oil and salt, and that couple loves their daughter so much.

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