Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 Ten Crispy Candies

    The teacher leads the team at the front, and there will be an introduction from the museum guide at every point. Jiang Susu had been paying attention to Chu Shenbai at the back, but in the end he just listened to the guide's introduction.

    There are many people in the museum, and the museum is spacious. Occasionally, two classes will be mixed together. Lao Xu has a good relationship with the head teacher of Class Six, and he doesn't mind bringing the students together.

    In the teams of the two classes, two people gradually fell behind the two classes.

    One had her head slightly lowered and was very pitiful, and the other's cold face gradually became more tender.

    Everyone seemed to be winking, and no one disturbed them from behind, so that there was a big gap between the two of them.

    The two seemed to be talking more comfortably. The girl who lowered her head timidly smiled slowly, and the boy beside her looked more gentle.

    Jiang Susu didn't look there, she was concentrating on listening, when Xiao Keyan suddenly called her back to her senses.

    "Susu, isn't that Shen Zhehan and Ruan Ya in the back?"

    Although she doesn't like Shen Zhehan, and she doesn't want her best friend to like him, but at least her friend says he likes him when she's not normal a few times.

    It's the kind of subtle psychology that you can't hide my friend's liking for others even if you don't like it.

    Jiang Susu looked along where she pointed.

    The two, one tall and one short, were smiling and talking, looking intimate and well-matched.

    "That's right, the two of them are quite worthy—"

    "Not at all!"

    Jiang Susu just said halfway through her casual words, when she felt weightless in an instant, and then she regained her composure and realized that she was already under control.

    The 'Jiang Susu' in the plot seems to have replied to himself, then left Xiao Keyan, and walked to the end of the line angrily.

    In front of those two people.

    "Shen Zhehan! You're asking me to speak for the Shen family. If you don't come to see me, forget it. I treat you as a favor, but you are so open and aboveboard with Ruan Ya, do you think I'm blind!"

    The tone was very sharp, and Jiang Susu, who was in a state of consciousness, was silent for a while, thinking silently, how could it be that you were blind, it was an attitude of not caring about you at all.

    It's a pity that 'Jiang Susu' has no consciousness, she acts blindly according to the plot, and can't hear her at all.

    Shen Zhehan's attitude was similar to Jiang Susu's, but his tone was colder.

    "Help the Shen family? Does Mr. Jiang accuse me of bullying you today?"

    Jiang Susu was taken aback when he heard this, and then couldn't help laughing.

    Dad really complained to Uncle Shen.

    Well done! Be sure to bring meals to the company for mom and dad on weekends!

    Jiang Susu was smiling, but her body was stiff and stuck for a moment.

    There seemed to be a mechanical click in her mind.

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