Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

    She pursed     her lips and did not move. Under the pressure of the other party's height, she resisted her panic and said, "Shen Zhehan called you here? What is the purpose?" It's funny, "Don't worry, we don't do anything, Young Master Shen just wants you to feel the feeling of being bullied."

    But that's what it said, but only the boy who spoke at the head looked calmer, and the boys he brought seemed to have eyes If there is nothing on her legs and face...

    She is not afraid of being surrounded by people, but she is disgusted by those disgusting eyes and covetous eyes.

    Seeing her not moving for a long time, the students who had noticed the movement before had already gone in to call the security guards, and the leading boy angrily stepped forward and grabbed her by the hand and dragged her away.

    The opponent was not good at all, and his strength was terrifying.

    Jiang Susu burst into tears just being pulled like this.

    She was dragged two steps without any resistance.

    "Let go of the little girl, your hands are red because of you."

    Suddenly a frivolous voice sounded, and someone stopped in front of several boys.

    The boy was dressed in sportswear, with a basketball twirling in his hand, with tinfoil permed hair and a naughty smile, he was the kind of student that the teacher saw most troublesome.

    The person holding Jiang Susu relied on his height and pushed him, "Don't meddle in your own business!"

    The boy flicked the place where he was touched, and slapped the ball a few times, "Hey, who doesn't know I'm the most nosy person." He

    looked like he didn't deserve a beating.

    Before the two sides clashed, the boy who was holding Jiang Susu suddenly felt a pain in his hand, and let go of Jiang Susu instantly.

    Everyone present was taken aback.

    She was carried out of the encirclement by someone, and the clear voice of the person in front of her seemed a little displeased.

    "Do you want to call back?"

    Chu Shenbaihu stood in front of her, and when he looked back at her, the smooth lines of his profile made people subconsciously tremble.

    Before Jiang Susu could react, Shen Zhehan's people surrounded him with malicious intentions, as if planning to teach Chu Shenbai and Yu Zhi a lesson together.

    "Little sister is quite charming." The cheeky person next to him teased, his eyes still kept on looking at the girl behind Chu Shenbai.

    It seems that he doesn't pay attention to the two boys in front of him at all.

    After Yu Zhi heard this, the ball in his hand hit the opponent's head accurately.

    "Hey brother, let's shake your head if you pretend to be water."

    Chu Shenbai looked a little displeased, but he continued to ask her again: "If you want to go home, you should beat them up."

    This time Jiang Su Su tugged at the hem of his school uniform, without hesitation: "Beat them!!"

    If Chu Shenbai and that boy named Yu Zhi hadn't appeared, it would have been hard for her to be taken away today.

    The fear in her heart turned into anger, and it happened that today she saw Chu Shenbai kicking the door with such ruthlessness, and she subconsciously wanted him to take revenge on her on the spot.

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