Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

    The summer vacation after the college entrance examination is three full months.

    Everyone in the circle knew that Chu Shen followed Father Chu every day, and he could be seen in company matters, business discussions, drinking parties, etc.

    In August, he can often be seen alone with his assistant to attend various occasions.

    They all said, "Father Chu devoted himself to raising this son, and he probably wanted to let him go after he graduated from university."

    But Chu Shenbai couldn't help but sneered when he heard the rumor, and only Jiang Susu, who had heard him tell the reason, laughed with him.

    Father Chu worked so hard to teach Chu Shenbai by hand, because Father Chu wished to lose the company to him so that he could go around with Mother Chu.

    During this summer vacation, Chu Shenbai was busy studying various affairs of the company, while Jiang Susu, who got rid of the plot, went out to play happily for almost two months.

    I went on a trip with Xiao Keyan for more than half a month, and went on vacation with Mother Chu and Aunt Chu.

    Speaking of which, the aboveboard kiss at the graduation party let everyone in the circle know that they were together, and even their parents heard the news.

    The Chu family couple is lucky, they guessed it before,? So when they heard that they were kissing at the graduation party, they couldn't help but hold their foreheads. I didn't expect that the steady son would do such a thing.

    Mother Chu 'taught' Chu Shenbai a lesson, and then quickly called her good sister Mother Jiang.

    They knew,? The Jiang family must have known it too.

    Mother Chu thought that her son's idea of ​​giving Susu tutoring was her own initiative. She was so ashamed that she couldn't help but beat her son while calling Jiang's mother to apologize.

    A smile flashed across Chu Shen's white eyes, and he honestly received a not-so-hard punch from his mother.

    The Jiang family just got the news, and before they had time to test their daughter, the Chu family's call came.

    Mother Jiang appeased her husband, but as soon as she answered the phone, the other party said that her stupid son was disobedient, and Mother Jiang hadn't had time to speak,? He kept listening and said sorry and blamed himself.

    In fact, Jiang’s mother is also quite guilty. Although she doesn’t know when the two children started, she took the initiative to pass the topic of her daughter’s tutoring to the other party, and because of her daughter’s magical second personality, many contacts are The daughter took the initiative.

    As a result, the chatting process of the two guilty mothers was strangely pleasant.

    Mother Chu thought about whether the two families would bring the children to have a meal together, but after thinking about it, it felt too formal, so let it go.

    Afraid of putting pressure on the two young people, they just support silently.

    Ever since, the two of them went out for a walk after dinner every day, and their parents looked at them cheerfully and teasingly.

    One day, Jiang Susu couldn't help complaining to Chu Shenbai when she was sent out by her mother's playful eyes.

    Chu Shenbai chuckled and rubbed her head to comfort her.

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