Marshall x Skye | An Aviator's Saviour

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(scene opens to the Lookout observatory where all six pups are lined up in front of Ryder)

Chase: Paw Patrol ready for action, Ryder sir!

Ryder: Okay pups this mission is kinda different!

Chase: How, Ryder?

Ryder: The Princess of Barkingburg has asked if two of you could help guard the throne and crown!

Chase: (surprised) Two of us?

Ryder: That way if Sweetie or someone else tries something there'll be another pup to help you out!

Ryder: (looks at all six available pups) Hm? (has idea) For the mission I'll pick Chase and ...

Skye, Zuma, and Rubble: (begging) Me, me, me!

Ryder: ...Zuma!

Zuma: Yeah! Thanks Ryder!

Chase: But Ryder? What if you need us for a mission?

Zuma: (nods) Yeah dude?

Ryder: Don't worry pups I called in two old friends as your substitutes!

Skye: (curious) Who?

Sound: (elevator coming up)

Two voices: Hi guys!

(Everyone looks back finding Tuck and Ella)

Pups: Tuck, Ella! Good seeing you!

Ella: We're honored you asked us to fill in for Chase and Zuma, Ryder!

Tuck: (nods) Yeah!

(scene changes to Zuma teaching Ella how to work with his water rescue gear while Chase shows Tuck how his police and spy gear work)

Ella: Thanks Zuma!

Tuck: Thanks Chase!

Chase and Zuma: You're welcome guys!

(scene changes to the Air Patroller transporting both pups to Barkingburg)

Ella: Um? Ryder, we only have our Mighty Pup uniforms, what are we supposed to wear for any possible mission?

Ryder: (remembers) Oh! I forgot sorry guys!

Mirage's voice: I can help! (appears with a pup clothing rack) I've got outfits just for you for no price!

(scene changes to Tuck and Ella wearing custom uniforms made for them)

Ella: Oh! This is quite stylish! Thanks!

Tuck: Thanks Mirage!

Mirage: No problem! (teleports away with the clothing rack)

Ryder: Thanks to Mirage you both have a mission uniform!

Ella: To be honest I like mine!

(Pup-Pad rings)

Ryder: Hello? (answers it) Oh! Francois, is something wrong?

Francois: Ryder, my cousin and I are stuck on Volcano Island while the volcano is erupting again!

Ryder: (gasps) Don't worry Francois we're on our way!

Francois: Thanks Ryder!

Ryder: Well twins it looks like we're going on an Air Mission!

Ella: Cool!

Tuck: Uh huh!

(Robo-Dog lands the Air Patroller outside)

Ryder: (contacts the pups) Paw Patrol to the Air Patroller!

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