Gasket & Chase | A Trip through Time (Mexico 3498)

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(scene opens to Harold finding a meteor piece in Foggy Bottom while his uncle is dealing with the Ruff-Ruff Pack in his lair again)

Harold: (gets zapped by the meteor piece) Yes, I've got my powers again!

Mayor Humdinger's voice: (shouts) Get outta my lair you pesky biker pups!

Harold: (uses his power to turn a pile of junk into a pup magnet gauntlet) Let's see if this works!

(the Ruff-Ruff Pack rides out of Mayor Humdinger's lair on their motorcycles)

Hubcap: (mocking) (sticks his tongue out) Haha! You can't stop us!

Gasket: (blows a raspberry at Mayor Humdinger)

Mayor Humdinger: (annoyed) Now that was just plain rude!

Harold: I've got something uncle!

(Dwayne and Hubcap drive away while Gasket is caught by the pup magnet gauntlet)

Gasket: (surprised) Yipe! (pulled off her motorcycle which drives itself into the water)

Harold: Got one!

Gasket: (surprised) Hey! Put me down buster! (confused) Also how'd you do that? (annoyed) Also you owe me a motorcycle!

Harold: (scoffs) Yeah, right!

Gasket: (growling)

Mayor Humdinger: So you found a meteor piece again, nephew?

Harold: Yep! So what do we do about this pup?

Mayor Humdinger: Too bad we don't have a time machine to banish her into the past!

Harold: Uncle, that's a great idea!

Mayor Humdinger: (surprised) It is?

Harold: (puts Gasket into a cage) (uses his powers to construct a time machine) Ah ha! My very own time machine! You know maybe we give her some company before we send her to the past!

(scene changes to Mason, Mirage, and Nightfall having fun at the Lookout)

Marshall: We're glad you guys could come by for a visit!

Nightfall: (giggles) Us too!

Mason: Yep, Nightfall really wanted to spend time with her papa!

Chase's voice: (surprised) Yipe!

(the group look over to find Chase just vanished)

Skye: (concerned) Where'd Chase go?

Nightfall: (worried) Papa?

Rubble: Well find papa, (shakes head) I mean Chase!

Marshall: Yeah!

(pups rush to the elevator)

Nightfall: (nods)

(flash of light)

Mirage: (confused) Why did you just activate coyote powers?

Mason: Come on girls, we've got a pup to track down! (sniffs the scent) Follow me!

(Mason runs on all four as he leads Mirage and Nightfall)

(scene changes to Foggy Bottom where Chase is caged next to Gasket)

Chase: Gasket, what are you doing here?

Gasket: My pack was just causing wheel trouble until that boy snagged me off my bike!

Harold: (adjusts his gauntlet) Before I forget! (uses his gauntlet to remove all their gear including Chase's collar) Ha! Now you've got no gear on!

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