Copycat x Shade | Copycat Forgets

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(scene opens Farmer Al's where the Copycat is using his whirlwind powers to swipe sheep planning to use their wool to make the biggest yarn ball ever)

Copycat: Once all these sheep have been sheared I shall create the biggest yarn ball in the world! (cackles)

Shade's voice: I love yarn balls like any other cat but you can't do this to those poor sheep!

Copycat: Who said that!? (looks back to find Shade with Mason) You two!

Shade: (to Mason) Thanks for assisting Mason since everyone else was busy!

Mason: (nods) Of course!

Copycat: There is no way you two can stop me, especially when I take his creature power suit power, (confused) I think that's right?

(Copycat heads toward Mason who secretly and confidently pulls out an electric eel disc and DNA sample)

Mason: (confidently) I wouldn't say that? (shouts) Activate electric eel power!

Copycat: (eyes widen) (shocked) (gasps) Electric eel!

(Copycat is right in front of Mason before grabbing onto his creature power suit)

(Mason uses electric eel powers while Copycat is touching him)

Copycat: (shouts) Yipe! (gets electrocuted)

Shade: (gasps) (looks away) That's gotta hurt?

(scene changes to a zap Copycat lying on the ground)

Shade: (concerned) Is he okay?

Mason: I didn't use enough voltage to do any major harm, but I think his mind might've been slightly affected?

Shade: What if he touched your suit?

Mason: (chuckles) I should've mentioned it has a magical protective aura to keep power copying folks like the Copycat from stealing its power!

Shade: (surprised) How'd you manage that?

Mason: My elemental brawler buddies granted the aura so Copycat can't unleash creature power!

Copycat: (sits up) (dazed) Copycat, who's that?

Shade: (surprised) Wait, who are you then?

Copycat: I never heard of this Copycat, my name is Mr Nibbles?

Shade: (realizes) (to Mason) Mason, I think that big zap gave him amnesia, which means...

Mason: ...Copycat is offline for the time being!

Shade: Hm? I didn't think about saying it that way but you're right!

Mr. Nibbles: What am I doing in this odd costume and where is my own Hailey Daily?

Mason: Let me assist with that costume! (helps him out of the costume)

Mr. Nibbles: (relieved) So much better! (looks at Shade) You certainly do look like a pretty kitty!

Shade: (blushes) Um thanks, you're kinda handsome yourself!

Mr. Nibbles: Thanks! Say, would you like to go out sometime?

Shade: (giggles) Sure, but you might wanna stay quiet or people might believe you're the Copycat including your owner!

Mr. Nibbles: (gasps) I didn't know we looked and sounded alike!

Shade: Just stick with me handsome! (giggles)

(both walk off together)

Mason: That's so cute!

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