Tuck x Coral vs Skye | Bewitched Skye

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(scene opens to Mason walking toward the beach with Midnight while Mirage and Melody watch from the beach)

Melody: (concerned) Midnight, are you sure you don't want our help in finding your missing wand

Midnight: I appropriate the offer, girls! But I think Mason should be able to help me find it from underwater!

(flash of light)

Mason: (wearing a dragonfish suit) I'm ready to glow with dragonfish powers!

Midnight: Thanks again for helping me out Mason!

Mason: No problem Midnight!

(both dive underwater at the same time)

Mirage: Mom, what do you think happened to Midnight's magic wand?

Melody: I'm not sure sweetie, but either she dropped it or someone took it!

Mirage: Agreed, she really should modify it so only magic pups can use it!

Melody: (nods) I agree dear!

(scene moves several feet over to reveal Coral who is just now leaping out of the water and Skye jumps up to paw bump her cousin)

Coral: (lands on the ground with land legs) (giggles) Nice timing Skye!

Skye: (giggles) I'm so happy you could come visit!

Coral: (blushes) There was another reason I came as well!

Skye: Tuck?

Coral: (blushes) I can't help it, he's just so handsome!

(both pups look over to find Melody and Mirage)

Skye and Coral: Hi guys, is something up?

Melody: My friend Midnight either lost her magic wand or someone took it!

Coral: Wait, is she a genie pup like you two?

Mirage: Actually she's an Octo-Pup... (shapeshifts into one) ...like this!

Coral: Wow!

Skye: Very interesting! I hope she finds her wand!

Mirage: (reverts back to normal) (nods) Us too, in fact she asked Mason to lend a fin with his dragonfish suit!

Coral: That's the one with sharp teeth and glows in dark waters, right?

Mirage: (shrugs) Maybe, but you're not exactly being descriptive!

Coral: Fair point! Later girls! (leaves with Skye to the Lookout)

(scene changes to Moby holding Midnight's wand)

Moby: (quietly) With this wand nobody will stop me! But first, to have a little fun!

(scene changes to Coral and Skye arriving at the Lookout where everyone including Tuck and Ella welcome them)

Pups: Hi Coral, glad you could come visit!

Tuck: I love you! (realizes) I mean I love to see you!

Ella: (giggles) My bro actually has a crush on you Coral!

Tuck: (sighs) I admit you're more beautiful than all the other coral in the sea combined!

Coral: (blushes) Oh, that's so sweet of you! If I'm being honest, I have a crush on you as well Tuck!

Skye: (surprised) (zapped by magic) Eep!

Coral: (worried) Skye!? What happened?

Skye: It felt like something zapped me! But I'm okay now!

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