Copycat vs Wild x Rory | Wild Rescues Rory

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(scene opens to Wild and Rory having fun racing each other in their vehicles at the Adventure Bay Race Track while Mason kindly overlooks the twosome)

Mason: Nice going you two,keep up the great work!

Rory: Just curious Mason, but why are you wearing a tiger suit? Not that there's anything wrong with it!

Mason: (chuckles) I was just eager to wear a big cat themed creature power suit to watch two members of the Cat Pack race each other! (stop chuckling) And be ready if trouble appears!

Wild: I understand Mason, but what kind of trouble would happen at a race track?

Mason: For example Mayor Humdinger's cheating cousin The Cheetah! (looks around for a moment) Just between us I think she disgraces the big cat's name, while you bring honor to it!

Wild: Really? Thanks for the compliment Mason!

Mason: (nods)

Rory: So my sweet savannah speedster are you up for another lap?

Wild: (laughs) Anything for you my tiger temptress!

Rory: (giggles) (blow him a kiss)

Wild: Thanks for the kiss my beloved Rory!

Rory: (smiles) Any time my dear Wild!

(both resume a fun race with each other)

Mason: (smiles) Those two make a clawsome couple! (ears twitch) (looks over) Huh?

(Hailey Daily arrives in her news van)

Hailey Daily: Looks like I found a big scoop, a race between Wild and Rory! (to self) Who will claw his or her way to the finish line!

Mason: (silently walks over) Hi Hailey, what are you doing here?

Hailey Daily: (startled) Mason! I didn't hear or see you!

Mason: (chuckles) Well tigers are known for their stealth!

Hailey Daily: (laughs) Nice one Mason!

Mr. Nibbles: (walks over to Hailey before noticing Rory) (in mind) Ahh, it's that lovely tiger temptress Rory! (annoyed) And her pesky boyfriend Wild! She shall be all mine, no matter what!

Mr. Nibbles: (in mind) If nobody was here, I would've done an evil laugh! (slips away unnoticed)

Hailey Daily: Isn't this so cool Mr. Nibbles!

Mr. Nibbles: (no response)

Hailey Daily: (concerned) Mr. Nibbles? (looks down to see he's missing) (worried) Oh no, where's my poor kitty?

Mason: He ran off again?

Hailey Daily: (worried) Yes, and I don't know where he went!

Mason: One second please?

Hailey Daily: (confused) Huh?

Mason: (deep breath) (loud tiger roar)

(Rory and Wild stop right in front of Mason)

Rory: Mason what's wrong? (impressed) Also epic tiger roar!

Hailey Daily: I have to admit that was so realistic!

Mason: I've had plenty of practice!

Wild: So Mason, why'd you roar?

Mason: (points) (glares) Him!

Copycat: (reveals himself) It is I the Copycat here to seize that tiger temptress!

Rory: (scoffs) There's no way I'd date a villain like you!

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