Harold vs Rocky x Gasket | Rocky on the Run Part 2

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Previously on Paw Patrol...

(scene opens to the same beastly figure approaching the night covered desert gently carrying the same two pups)

Pup #1: What's going on you two? Why did you do this?

Pup #2: You're innocent Rocky! I'm not letting them take away my boyfriend!

Rocky: (surprised) Ginger, were still together?

Ginger: (surprised) Who said we weren't?

Rocky: Skye said you broke up with me?

Ginger: (realizes) That imposter lied to Skye! He broke up with me! But when he didn't know my secret and called me a mutt, I knew it wasn't the pup I fell in love with!

Rocky: (blushes) So what's Mason doing here?

Ginger: I needed someone who can help me stay one step ahead of your friends!

Rocky: But Chase can track our scents?

Mason: (snickers) Nobody can track our scent for a good reason!

Rocky: (confused) How come?

Mason: Genie pup magic was used so I wouldn't generate any scents along with anyone or thing I'm holding!

Ginger: Yep! Can't track our scent if we don't have any!

Rocky: Thanks you both for helping me, but what are we gonna do now?

Mason: Also I wanted to mention I had involvement with Mayor Humdinger going on vacation with his mother and kittens thanks to my elemental brawlers buddies taking care of everything!

Rocky: So that's why Mayor Humdinger was bragging about going on a long vacation!

Mason: Also since we're out of Adventure Bay the genie pups removed the magic so we're leaving a scent trail again, but the desert winds should help counter them! (gently puts down both pups) But first, deactivate Tasmanian devil powers! (deactivates suit) Better!

Rocky: Why'd you pick Tasmanian devil powers anyway?

Mason: I went with a creature with a strong bite to get through that metal cage!

Ginger: Yep!

Rocky: I hope we can figure out what's going on to clear my name?

Ginger: (hugs Rocky) We're not giving up until we clear your name my love! (nuzzle Rocky)

Rocky: Thanks Ginger! (passionately kisses her on the lips)

Ginger: (smiles) I missed your kisses, handsome!

Rocky: And I missed you!

(the trio walk off together into the night covered desert before the scene switches to the Lookout in during the day where Ryder and pups are investigating the trouble)

Ryder: Hm?

Chase: Ryder, I still have no idea who or what could do this?

Marshall: Yeah! How could this happen while not leaving behind a single clue?

Rubble: I wish we knew who would do this?

Zuma: Me too dude, me too!

Harold: (walks over) I see you can't control your green pup Ryder!

Ryder: What are you doing here Harold?

Harold: I was simply in the neighborhood!

Chase: Hm?

Harold: You pups know me, I'm not much trouble without my powers!

Ryder: True?

Harold: Looks like Rocky must've had an accomplice if he was busted out from what I've heard!

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