Chase x Gasket vs Hubcap | Time in Paris

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(scene opens to Chase and Gasket kissing at sunset in "An Underground Experience")

Gasket: (sighs) It's so nice to be with you my handsome german shepard!

Chase: (snuggles Gasket) I feel the same about you my lovely husky!

Gasket: (sighs) Too bad we can't find a way of spending more time together!

Chase: (sighs) Yeah!

Gasket: (has an idea) I know how!

Chase: (surprised) How?

Gasket: Mirage can help!

Chase: But she left with Mason?

(Mason and Mirage appear after a flash of light)

Mason: (shouts) Found it!

Chase: That was fast!

Mason: Rabbit talisman and teleportation! (chuckles) Great ways of travel!

Gasket: Mirage can you please help us with something?

Mirage: What is it guys?

Gasket: Do you think you could pose as Chase while the two of us take a vacation together?

Mirage: Sure! But where?

Gasket and Chase: (look at eachother) (shrugs) We don't know!

Mason: might I suggest Paris, France!

Gasket: Ooh! I always wanted to go there!

Chase: Sure! Why not! But how will we travel?

Mirage: Mom can teleport you over!

Chase: I guess?

Mason: (provides (licenses and passports) A friend of mine was able to obtain certified licenses so your travel is legit!

Chase: Nice!

Gasket: Impressive!

(scene changes to later at the Lookout where Mirage transforms into Chase while the real on tells her exactly how to act)

Chase (M): No worries!

Chase: Okay but stay safe!

Melody: (walks over) I'm glad to help you pups out on your date!

Gasket: (blushes) Thanks again Melody!

Melody: (giggles) No worries dear!

(the trio teleport away)

Ryder: Okay pups time for bed!

Chase (M): (yawns) Okay Ryder sir!

Mason: (watches nearby and decided to take a walk at night)

(scene changes to Mason entering Foggy Bottom)

Mason: Hm? How'd I enter up here?

Female voice: Mason, you are surrounded!

Mason: (confused) Huh?

Sound: (buzzing) (machine parts moving)

(Mason is then surrounded by Hornets and Bloks from the Code Lyoko universe as a female black husky reveals to be leading them)

Black Husky: Haha! You are surrounded!

Mason: Really? (snaps fingers causing the robotic monsters to back down instantly) Spectra, what are you doing here?

Spectra: (playful) What? I can't join the story to add a little drama?

Mason: You're welcome to be a part of it sweetie but why the Code Lyoko monsters?

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