Shade x Copycat | Changing Shade Back

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(scene opens to Foggy Bottom where Copycat and Harold are outside Mayor Humdinger's lair)

Copycat: (scoffs) So what did you want to show me anyway, Harold?

Harold: (reveals a handheld device) I built this device to change anyone to the opposite personality!

Copycat: So?

Harold: We could use this one Ryder, a pup, or cat to make them into a villain like us!

Mayor Humdinger: (walks forward) I used something like that I'd take Adventure Bay's key to the city!

Harold: Not a bad idea uncle mayor!

Sound: (low growling)

Copycat: Did anyone else here growling?

Harold and Mayor Humdinger: Yeah!

(a nearby humanoid tiger-like figure silently slips unnoticed)

Harold: I'm sure it was nothing!

Mayor Humdinger: Besides I'm sure there aren't any mountain lions around here!

Copycat: There is no way those pups and cats can stop us if one of them is working for us!

Harold: I know, let's use this on a genie pup!

Mayor Humdinger: (laughs) That's a good joke, nephew!

Harold: What are you talking about uncle?

Mayor Humdinger: You should know Venus said the elemental brawlers bestowed all the genie pups a protective aura to prevent them from being turned evil!

Copycat: How would you know that Foggy Boy?

Mayor Humdinger: Venus mentioned it when I hired her to clean my lair!

Harold: (surprised) So that's why your lair looked brand new last week!

Mayor Humdinger: I paid her whole bag of pup treats and she did a magnificent job at cleaning my lair!

Copycat: Well that forces us to use this on a member of that Paw Patrol or Cat Pack instead!

Harold: Why not Mason?

Copycat: Chances are he probably has a way of avoiding the effects!

Mayor Humdinger: Copycat does have a fair point!

Harold: Then how are we supposed to get one of those members?

Copycat: I've got an idea to lure one of them to us!

Harold: Sounds fine to me!

Mayor Humdinger: What about me?

Copycat: You stay here to make us snacks!

Harold and Copycat: (leave with Harold new device)

Mayor Humdinger: (upset) Again! (to self) Harold finds a meteor piece and gets his powers back while I get nothing! (pouts) This isn't fair!

(scene changes to Jake mountain where Everest and Shade are having fun playing together)

Shade: (laughs) Snowboarding with you is so much fun Everest!

Everest: I'm happy we get to hang out again, Shade!

Shade: (smiles) Me too!

Copycat's voice: Not me!

Shade and Everest: (gasps) Copycat!

Copycat: (reveals himself) Yes it is I, the Copycat!

Everest: What do you want this time!?

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