Tracker x Sweetie | Runaway Royal Pup

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(scene opens to the Paw Patroller driving to the jungle with the Princess of Barkingburg and Sweetie along for the ride)

Princess of Barkingburg: (excited) Thanks again for letting us come Ryder!

Ryder: Your welcome princess, we're glad you could join us!

Sweetie: (eye rolls) Remind me why I was brought along again?

Princess of Barkingburg: Come on Sweetie this will be fun! Plus this way I can keep an eye on you!

Sweetie: (eye rolls) Whatever!

(Paw Patroller parks near Tracker and Carlos)

(group exits the Paw Patroller)

Carlos: Welcome back guys!

Tracker: Yes! Good to see you!

Ryder: It's nice to be back guys! We brought along a little extra company!

(Princess of Barkingburg and Sweetie walk forward)

Tracker: Princess! It's great to see you again!

Princess of Barkingburg: (giggles) You too Tracker!

Sound: (nearby leopard roar)

Tracker: (worried) Did anyone else hear that leopard roar!

Other Pups: Yeah! It sounded close!

(leopard leaps out of the trees and swiftly pins down Marshall with it's front paws)

Marshall: (scared) (shouts) Help!

(group discover what happened)

Ryder: (worried) (shouts) Marshall!

Leopard: (looks at Ryder)

Marshall: (shouts) Someone save me! (scared) I don't wanna be leopard food!

Leopard: (Mirage's voice) That's just the expression I sought!

Ryder: (realizes) Wait, I know that voice!

Leopard: (magically turns into Mirage who is sitting on Marshall's torso)

Marshall: (eyes closed) (scared) Someone tell me when it's over!

Ryder: Marshall, you can open your eyes now!

Marshall: (opens his eyes to find Mirage) Mirage! Phew! You got rid of the leopard!

Mirage: (giggles) No silly I was that leopard!

Marshall: (surprised) Oh!

Tracker: What was with the leopard act?

Mirage: I was eager to try a different way of surprising you guys instead of swinging in on a vine!

Skye: It was definitely a surprise!

Zuma: Yeah dudette! Um? Are there any other members of your family here?

Mirage: (shakes head) Everyone else is relaxing on a quiet beach!

Sound: (leopard snarl)

(a real leopard confronts the whole group)

Marshall: (scared) (shouts) A real leopard!

Ryder: (shouts) Quick everyone get in the Paw Patroller!

(group runs inside except Mirage who confronts the leopard and Sweetie who runs off on her own)

Chase: (shouts) Mirage what are you doing!

Mirage and Leopard: (snarls at each other)

(Paw Patroller door closes)

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