Rory x Wild or Copycat | A Cats Role Reversal

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(scene opens to Wild and Rory relaxing together by the river not knowing someone lurked nearby)

Wild: It's a nice day for the two of us to spend some time together!

Rory: (giggles) This feels like the purr-fect day to me!

Wild: It sure does feel purr-fect!

(scene moves to a nearby bush where Copycat is hiding)

Copycat: (annoyed) (quietly) It won't be so purr-fect when I use this thing called the Moby Morpher! (snickers) I can't believe Mason didn't even know he dropped it!

(scene changes to behind Copycat who has no idea he is being watched by the genie pup known as Hex)

Hex: (in mind) Oh, he'll find out sooner than you think! (silently slips away)

(scene changes back to Rory and Wild now snuggling each other)

Wild: (gets up) I think I might go for a little walk if that's okay my lovely Rory!

Rory: (giggles) Sure! I'd like to take a little catnap to be honest! (gets comfy before napping)

Wild: (quietly giggles) She looks adorable when she's asleep! (walks off)

(scene changes to Wild walking beside the river until he hears something)

Wild: Who's there?

Sound: (leaves rustling)

Copycat: (leaps out of hiding) It is I the Copycat!

Wild: (hisses) You again! What do you want!?

Copycat: Simple, I wish to have Rory all to myself but you prevent me from doing that!

Wild: For one she loves me and I love her! Plus I doubt she'd like someone who tried hurting her friends!

Copycat: Well Wild, I've acquired something that will ensure that she loves me over you! (reveals the Moby Morpher)

Wild: (gasps) The Moby Morpher! How did you get that, Mason had that?

Copycat: Ha! The fool unknowingly dropped it while training the Paw Patrol to improve their reflex time against his komodo dragon powers!

Wild: Just wait until I tell him!

Copycat: He won't know it's you when I'm done! (shouts) Moby Mopher!

(the Moby Morpher magically turns Wild into Copycat and vice versa)

(C) Wild: (cackles) No I'm wild while you're the evil Copycat!

(W) Copycat: I'll stop you before you hurt anyone!

(C) Wild: (cackles) (has idea) Wait if I look like you I can steal the mighty meteor easily and frame you for it!

(W) Copycat: Ha! That won't work since Mirage's family is guarding it!

(C) Wild: (surprised) What!? If they're guarding it then I have no chance against them!

(W) Copycat: (glares) Now change us back!

(C) Wild: Never! (pushes the real Wild into the river)

(W) Copycat: (struggles swimming) This isn't over Copycat! (notices his pup tag is missing) My pup tag!

(C) Wild: (mockingly waves) Have a nice fall! (cackles) (races off with his super speed)

(W) Copycat: Fall? What'd he mean by that?

Sound: (waterfall)

(W) Copycat: (eyes widen) Oh, that's what he meant! (struggles to swim away) I don't think I'll make it! (out loud to self) If I die, I swear my spirit will always be with Rory no matter what!

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