Rocky x Gasket | Ginger's First Snowboarding Competition

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(scene opens to Jake's chalet where Jake, Everest, Mason, Mirage, and Melody are preparing for an upcoming snowboarding competition)

Everest: (eagerly) I can't wait for the next snowboarding competition Jake!

Jake: (chuckles) I gotta admit I'm eager too!

(Everest looks over to see Mason and both genie pups moving rocks and logs outta the way)

Everest: Thank you guys for helping out!

(Melody walks over)

Melody: (chuckles) No problem Everest!

Sound: (boom)

Jake, Everest, and Melody: What was that booming sound?

Mason and Mirage: (whistling while Mason is wearing the Fist of Tebigong while rocks are scattered around them)

Jake: (chuckles) Do you two care to explain what that boom was?

Mason: Okay, I admit Mirage and I were just playing around by smashing a boulder to smithereens! (puts away the Shen Gong Wu)

Jake: Just try not to startle us next time, okay dude?

Mason: We don't make promises we can't keep!

Jake: (shrugs) Fair enough!

Mirage: Hey Jake, can my friend Ginger join?

Jake: (chuckles) You mean the orange husky dating Rocky?

Mirage: (nods) Yep!

Jake: Sure, the more the merrier!

Mirage: When is the event again?

Jake: Next week, Mirage!

Mirage: (nods) Thanks for the advice!

(scene changes to later in the desert where Gasket, Dwayne, and Hubcap are busy racing each other)

Gasket: (sighs) (to self) This gets boring, I wish I had something else to do instead of riding my motorcycle a lot?

Dwayne: You say something Gasket?

Gasket: just talking to myself!

Dwayne: Oh, okay then!

Gasket: (sighs)

Sound: (whoosh)

(a strong breeze follows that sound)

Dwayne: (concerned) What was that?

Hubcap: (annoyed) How should I know?

Gasket: Yeah, what was that?

Mirage's voice: Hi guys!

(the trio over to find Mirage sitting on Gasket's motorcycle)

Mirage: (waves) Hi guys!

Gasket and Dwayne: (happy) Mirage!

Gasket: (smiles) What are you doing here?

Mirage: (whispers about being invited to a snowboard competition)

Gasket: (eyes widen) Sure! I'd love to spend over a week with you!

Hubcap: (shouts) What!? Gasket you can't do that!

Mirage: Why don't you speak to my little friend then!

(poof of smoke before a red humanoid tiger leaps out of the smoke)

Dwayne: (surprised) (gasps) It's Mason!

Mason: (loud tiger roar)

Hubcap: (eye widen) On second thought, take your time and come back when you're done, okay?

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