Marshall x Gasket | Lost in the Jungle

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(scene opens to the Paw Patroller heading toward the jungle so the pups can visit Tracker and Carlos but have no idea a trio of pup bikers secretly followed them)

Gasket: What's the big idea this time Hubcap?

Hubcap: We'll see where those pups are headed in their rig, and once they arrive we'll cause some wheel trouble!

Dwayne: Sounds fun! But where do you think they're going?

Hubcap: (shrugs) No idea, but if it's a freezing area then we're leaving!

Gasket: (laughs) Not a fan of the cold, Hubcap!

Hubcap: Fair reminder Gasket, Dwayne and I aren't huskies like you!

Gasket: (shrugs) True!

Ruff-Ruff Pack: (shouts) Ruff-Ruff Pack! Ruff Ruff Pack! (races after the Paw Patroller)

(scene changes to the Paw Patroller stopping as Carlos and Tracker approach)

(pups and Ryder exit before Carlos and Tracker welcome their friends back to the jungle)

Carlos and Tracker: Hi guys!

Ryder and Pups: Hi Carlos, Tracker!

(Tracker's ears move)

Tracker: Hey guys I can hear something coming!

Chase: What is it, Tracker?!

Tracker: (listens to the sound) (confused) It sounds like a pair of motorcycles?

Pups: (look at each other with concerned expressions)

Skye: Is there anything else you can do here?

Tracker: It sounded like there were three voices on girl and two boys!

Other pups: Uh oh!

Tracker: Something wrong amigos?

Chase: I think we might know who they are!

Three voices: (shouts) Ruff Ruff Pack! Ruff Ruff Pack!

Chase: (sighs) It's them alright!

(Ruff-Ruff Pack arrives doing doughnuts around the group)

Hubcap: Haha! Now this is a place to cause wheel trouble!

Gasket: (shouts) Yeah! (looks at Marshall for a few seconds before looking forward)

Dwayne: Hey Gasket, why were you looking at the dalmatian?
Gasket: (blushes) No reason!

Dwayne: (shrugs) Okay!

Gasket: (sighs) Phew!

Tracker: (confused) Who are these pups?

Ryder: Tracker this is the Ruff-Ruff Pack, a group of trouble making biker pups we go against on occasion! (hit in the face with a pie)

Tracker: (surprised) Where'd that pie come from?

Gasket: (shouts) I asked Mirage for a throwing pie before we came here! (races off on her motorcycle)

Tracker: (surprised) Why would Mirage do that?

Marshall: You see Mirage is friends with the Ruff-Ruff Pack, us, and others!

(Gasket back stuck on an elephant's head)

Gasket: (screams) Help!

(elephant charges and Marshall tries helping but is accidentally taken along for the ride while his pup tag falls off and gets stepped on by the elephant's foot)

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