Al x Gasket | A Trucker's Lover

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(scene opens to Gasket and Mirage hanging onto the edge of a waterfall hanging on rock by a highway)

Gasket: (scared) I can't believe that Copycat would do this to us!

Mirage: (upset) Yeah! Plus we were minding our business at our picnic until he showed up using his whirlwind powers!

Gasket: (scared) I wish we had a way of calling for help!

Mirage: Me too, buddy!

Gasket: Wait, you said you were telepathic before right?

Mirage: (nods) Yes, why?

Gasket: (scared) Please use that power to call any of those Paw Patrol or Cat Pack members to come and help us!

Mirage: (nods) (sends a telepathic message to the closest member) I called a good buddy of mine!

Gasket: (calms down) Good to know!

Sound: (big rig horn honk)

(Al and his big truck arrives)

Al's voice: Mirage, you okay buddy?

Mirage; Hi Al, any chance you could help us?

Al: Us?

Gasket: Someone help us!

Al: 10-4 good buddy! I'll use my truck's grabber claws!

Gasket: Wait, won't that squeeze us?

Mirage: Not if I inflate myself and hold you by your scruff, Gasket! (startled inhaling)

Gasket: (nods) Go for it Mirage!

(scene changes to Al using his truck grabber to lift both pups to safety and gently puts them on solid ground)

(Mirage deflates after letting go of Gasket's scruff)

Al: Good thing I received your telepathic call for help Mirage!

Mirage: (blushing) Sorry if it came by surprise!

Al: (chuckles) I understand good buddies, but I'm just curious about something?

Gasket: What's that?

Al: Why didn't Mirage teleport to safety?

Mirage: (embarrassed) I forgot that I could!

Gasket: (facepalms) Why did I have to forget you could teleport!

Al: Say? Aren't you that naughty biker husky my pup pals told me about?

Gasket: Oh! (blushes)

Al: So what happened to you two?

Mirage: Copycat ruined our nice little picnic and put both of us there!

Al: (surprised) Whoa! That wasn't nice!

Mirage: Al, would it be okay if we hitched a ride back to the Big Truck HQ?

Al: (smiles) Sure thing Mirage, I was actually headed there next!

Gasket: (shyly) Could I join too?

Al: Promise not to touch something you don't know about and I'd be glad to give you a lift too!

Gasket: (nods) You have my word!

(scene changes to the trio riding with Gasket and Mirage wearing towels so they wouldn't ruin the interior of Al's truck with the water dripping from them)

Gasket: (blushes) Al, thank you for saving us!

Al: No problem Gasket, after all I'm with the Paw Patrol and we're here to help our friends! Also I have to admit you do look kinda cute!

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