Rocky x Gasket vs Coral | Coral in a Trance

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(scene opens to the bottom of the bay where Mason is wearing yeti crab suit with Mirage and Elastica swim behind him in mer-pup form)

Mason: (looks around) Any luck finding it, girls?

Elastica: (shakes head) Sorry Mason, but we've got no idea where it went?

Mirage: (giggles) I still can't believe you tried running through a wave with basilisk powers!

Mason: (nervously chuckles) Not my best idea, but I made the right choice leaving my satchel with Wildfire and Melody!

Mirage: True! But your hypnosis pocket watch was another story!

Mason: I wanted to see how fast I could get through but lost it when the wave came down on me!

Elastica: Don't worry Mason, we'll find that pocket watch!

Mason: Thanks again for helping out girls!

Elastica: I'm happy you asked for my help! Me and mom have been getting a little board back home, since you really seem fond of Mirage!

Mason: (hugs Elastica) I'll always love all of you magic pups, after all your family too!

Elastica: (nuzzles Mason) (touched) Thank you Mason!

Mirage: (sniffling) Very sweet! (joins the hug) Also nobody else heard us!

Mason: (nods) Good girls!

(the trio go off searching the ocean floor before the scene changes to Junk Island where Moby is showing McSquidly something he found)

Moby: Look at what just washed ashore today, McSquidly! (reveals Mason's lost pocket watch)

McSquidly: (confused expression)

Moby: We can have a little fun with this little thing, why not try it one Coral!

Coral's voice: Try what on me?

Moby: (looks back) (surprised) Coral, what are you doing here!?

Coral: I was simply keeping a close eye on you Moby, now what did you wanna try one me?

Moby: Back, I've got this! (reveals Mason's pocket watch)

Coral: Hey, isn't that Mason's pocket watch?

Moby: It washed ashore so I'm making use of it before he reclaims it!

Coral: Moby that doesn't belong to- (Moby swims the pocket watch in front of Coral) (in trance) What are you orders Moby?

Moby: Hm? I'll keep this simple! You'll be madly in love with that green recycling pup you call Rocky!

Coral: (in trance) Yes sir! (shakes head) Rocky my love, I'm coming! (swims off)

Moby: (looks at pocket watch) Hm? I wonder how this works?

(the pocket watch swings in front of Moby)

Moby: (hypnotizes himself) (in trance) (looking at McSquidly) What are your orders master?

McSquidly: (thinks of an idea)

(scene changes to McSquidly playing fetch with Moby)

Moby: (panting) (barking)

McSquidly: (giggles) (pets Moby)

(Moby acts like McSquidly's pet dog while guarding the pocket watch until it can be returned)

(scene changes to the beach where Ginger is busy snuggling with Rocky)

Rocky: I'm so happy that you could stop by for a visit Ginger!

Ginger: (giggles) Me too Rocky, I'm glad Mirage helped me get here!

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